Mistakes #2 :s

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I know I wrote a chapter about making mistakes before but I feel like it's needed to be talked about again because even if we make mistakes there's just this feeling in the pit of our stomach that's making us feel guilty.  

I said this before and I'm saying it again, it's okay to make mistakes because we learn from it so don't beat yourself up about it because the world literally did not come with instructions. I know that saying is overused but I'll say anything just to get you to understand that making mistakes is okay, it's not the end of the world. 

You can't always be perfect, because being perfect doesn't exist. It never did and it never will. 

Making mistakes is part of being human, we are created to make mistakes because we can learn from it. 

Yes, it does suck that we make mistakes because it makes us feel like crap but in the end it can also benefit us by making us stronger and better. 

So please don't hate yourself, we all make mistakes but you know what? We move on and learn from it. Even if you failed a test it's okay because you take it and you use it to be your motivation to do better next time. If you accidentally offended someone, just apologize and remember to not say anything that you'll regret next time. There's always a next time for everything as long as you put effort into it. 

I promise that this is going to be the last time that I'm going to write a chapter about this topic but I just want you to know that it's okay. Everything will be fine as time goes by. 

"No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn't trying" - Tony Robbins  

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