Texters *_*

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#1 I call these the slow typers; Now I don't particularly mind slow typers. I'm actually a slow typer myself. But when someone leaves you hanging for 30 minutes just so they could type two words is just ridiculous. As soon as you see the other person typing, you get all excited because you don't know what their typing about but when their still typing for like the past 20 minutes you don't feel excited any more but you feel annoyed, and you don't want to say that their slow typers because that'll seem rude. 

#2 Don't you hate it when the other person has seen your messages but don't reply? Well don't worry because everyone HATES that. It's like their to 'cool' to just reply, and then when you do that to them they get all agro. It's just so damn annoying that they don't have the decency to reply, I mean if you don't want to talk to me you could have just said so, trust me telling me you don't want to talk to me is honesty but ignoring my messages and making me wait is just plain rude. 

#3 This might not annoy a lot of people but it annoys me quite a lot. When people talk like this 'hey beb wht u doin 2nite?' or 'Sry but i gtg. It wuz gr8 to c u, we haz lots of lols ttyl'. Like seriously? If you can't type properly then it'll be better if you don't type anything at all. I should tell your parents that all their money went to waste for your education. 

#4 Next one is when the person gives you one word replies. I mean c'mon even my 5 year old cousin can say more words than that. Give me something to work with gurl! And you ask why people don't talk to you as much, it's because you're boring and you don't keep up the conversation. Anything is better than one word answers. 

#5 Last one is when all they answer is 'K' this one is kind of similar to number 4 but this is even worse. I put effort in texting you and all I get is 'K' why does it have to be K huh? there's 25 more letters that you could choose from why does it have to be K, why why! WHY!!!!!!!! I'm starting to hate that letter now. It makes you feel like you're talking to yourself because the person you were texting doesn't find interest in talking to you any more so that's why they give you a 'K'.  After all the trouble that I went through to type a sentence or a paragraph for you and all you give me is one letter, thanks thanks a lot, I appreciate it. 

Here's another fun chapter :))))) 

"Never give up on someone you can't go a day without thinking about"

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