Raison d'etre :)

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🌸When my fish died i wasn't disappointed because it was weak. I was okay because at least i knew that it kept on trying to stay alive, it gave everything it had one last time and it didn't give up until it was done trying.

🌸Sometimes you fail and sometimes you succeed. Life is not always about trying to be a winner sometimes you just gotta let yourself fail knowing that you've tried because that's how you learn. Even if you fail numerous of times it doesn't matter because there is always something else you can succeed in.

🌸I realized how important it is to just keep trying and not give up straight away. For example, last night i spent 3 hours on this game called 'crossy road' trying to beat my score but after when i failed so MANY times i realized that even if i don't beat my own record it's still okay because at least i knew that i was trying my best for 3 HOURS. Even though i didn't accomplish my goal, i knew that at least i kept trying because the words trying and succeeding both means that you're a winner.


- Try, try, try and if you still can't do it, at least you know that you didn't go down without a fight -

- You're not obligated to win, You're obligated to keep trying, And that's enough -

- If you are always one of those people who can't let themselves lose then you will never live a happy life -

- Just because you didn't accomplish something it doesn't mean that you gave up -

- Spending a lot of time trying to accomplish something is basically like winning -

- You don't have to succeed to be a winner even when you're trying you're already a winner -

- If you spend hours instead of minutes on something and don't accomplish it then you have already done enough -

- If you spend your life feeling superstitious about everything you do, you'll never feel happy -


If any of you guys have a fear of hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia then i'm sorry but i thought this would be cool. Everyone wants to succeed because after you succeed you get a feeling of frisson but honestly knowing that you tried your best is equally good as well. A lot of people just like me have this thing called palinoia which is not good for our life because we cannot be one of those people who has to be perfect all the time, if we always have that thought in mind we will never love the life we intended to live and that is to be eleutheromania. To be honest, if you worry about this to much and you force yourself to make everything perfect it's going to be pygalgia gor you, literally. As humans we always have tatemae in our minds every time because we don't think that we are good enough, but you are wrong. If anything you're to good for anyone, never think less of yourself. Even if you have athazagoraphobia don't be afraid to show your true self. You don't have to be strong and perfect just so people would like you, all you have to do is show them that the 'act' of trying something is just as good as being perfect. As long as you put meraki in everything that you do and gave it your best shot then nothing will go wrong. You could even be a bibliophile because trust me it's more relaxing than trying to be Mr/Mrs perfect all the time. I hope you guys will understand what i'm trying to say here and understand a wabi-sabi life because if you understand and accept it then your life will be a good one.

hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - the fear of long words

frisson - a shiver of pleasure

palinoia - the obsessive repetition of an act until it is perfect or mastered

eleutheromania - an intense and irresistible desire for freedom

pygalgia - a pain in the ass, literally

tatemae - what a person pretends to believe; the behaviour and opinions one must display to satisfy society's demands

athazagoraphobia - the fear of forgetting, being forgotten or ignored, or being replaced

meraki - the soul, creativity, or love put into something; the essence of yourself that is put into your work

bibliophile - a lover of books; one who loves to read, admire and collect books

wabi-sabi - the discovery of beauty in imperfection; the acceptance of the cycle of life and death


Hai guys :))))))))))) I know that this update is a very different one compared to all the other ones but it's cool to learn new words aha (i bet ya some of you guys are going 'nope'). Also im sorry if you guys are getting tired of reading ANOTHER chapter about 'giving up' 'succeeding' 'failing' but i just needed to get it through to you guys that even if you give up it's okay because you know that you tried and that's all that matters.

I got so upset yesterday because i spent so long (3 hours) on playing this game just so i can beat my high score but when i gave it a go so many times i just accepted the score that i already have now, but before i gave up i told myself that it was okay because i already gave it all that i have.

I'll see you next time :)

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