Move on :s

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It's not the end of the world when something embarrassing happens to you or when someone knows your secret. 

Don't think that your life is over just because something like that has ever happened to you because that's part of life and you got to accept the things that you don't want to happen. 

I have been in a situation where so much embarrassing things has happened to me and I felt like I wanted to kill myself because life wasn't fair but I realized that all of this happens for a reason whether I like it or not.

We all need moments in our life where we get embarrass or where we humiliate ourselves because like I said before it's all part of our human nature. It' natural for things like this to happen.

An embarrassing moment happened to me like about 2 weeks ago. Okay so basically I have guitar lessons every Wednesday and I couldn't go that week because I had to do a lot of assignments and I needed to study for my tests. So I used my dad's phone to text my teacher just because I didn't really want him to have my number but any ways I used my dad's phone saying "Sorry but unfortunately my daughter can not make it to her guitar lesson this week blah blah blah" something along those lines. Then like 2 hours later my dad got a text from him saying "If you want a replacement just ask!" and in my head I thought he was mad and that he wanted me to change teachers just because I missed out on a few lessons the week before and I thought that this was the last straw for him, my dad was asleep at the time (I only went on his phone because I wanted to check if my teacher replied) so I couldn't ask my dad if my teacher was mad or not. So I came up with an idea, I got my phone and literally wrote a paragraph saying "I'm so sorry, I just wanted to make things clear that I do not want a replacement and that there's just to much school work going on. I'm terribly sorry etc etc" full on just apologizing to him. 

Turns out that he wasn't mad and what he meant by 'replacement' was a replacement for another day to make up for the lessons that I've missed....

I wanted to hit myself in the face because on my paragraph that I've sent him I wrote "just to make it clear I don't want a replacement" and so his going to think that I don't want to see him even more. I did not fix the situation but I made it worse. 

But I did not let that get to me, because I told myself that whatever happened is done and I can not go back and change it. What I'm trying to say is that don't beat yourself up. Don't ever think that your unlucky just because you got humiliated. 

We are all on the same boat where we get humiliated in front of our crush, or family , or friends and even ourselves. If you don't have any embarrassing moments then you're too perfect and trust me perfect is overrated. 

"Move on with your life, don't be stuck in that spot forever"

Hey Guys, you may or may not have noticed that I haven't been updating in the last 2 weeks, it's just because I have so much assessments to do since the holidays are coming (YESSSH).

But hopefully this chapter isn't too weird and all over the place. ;)

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