Live in the moment :P

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We don't know if we're ever going to have the same moment in our life that makes us happy so take the opportunity to live in the moment and embrace it.

You know the saying 'you only live once'? well it's time to live up to it, because when that happy moment is gone, you might never have it ever again so just live in the moment and be happy. 

Don't think about any other things like the past or the future, just enjoy the present and enjoy the moment. Life isn't worth living if you just keep on thinking about sad things or things that make you uncomfortable. 

Embrace life, be happy because that's the only way to live a successful life. 

Don't let others get to you because they're not worth your time. Don't let others judge you for you, just ignore them and be yourself. 

You'll be a happier person if you just let things go and again live in the moment. Don't worry what others think of you, life would be so much more better if you just focus on doing what makes you happy and not others. 

Don't let your happy moment get ruined by some jerk that likes to ruin other people's lives. 

The past has already happened so don't worry about it, you can worry about the future when you get there, the only important thing now is to be happy with where you are right now and just live in the moment wherever you are. :)

Hello, I know that it has been a few weeks since I last updated and I'm really sorry but it was the last 2 weeks of school so I had a lot of tests and assignments to do. But the good news is that the school holidays has started and I'm so excited!!!!! Also I think there's only 4 more chapters to go until this book is finished. Anyway on another note there is only 12 days left until Christmas!!!! yay! 

"You don't get the same moment twice in life"

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