Live Life :)

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So as you all know, 2016 has already began. 

No matter how bad or good 2015 has been to you, let's put that aside and start all over with 2016. This New Year has given us a clean slate so that we can create new memories to keep, new friends to make and most importantly just be happy in general.

I've said this so many times before but I'll say it again, life isn't worth living if you make yourself sad, don't over think things, don't compare yourself to others, don't be superstitious and don't put yourself down. Basically don't do things that makes you depress or sad. 

Make this year an unforgettable year filled with happiness and joyful things, try and make this year worry free because it'll definitely make you happier. 

Don't stress yourself out by thinking about things that makes you worry. 

Even if someone brings you down, just keep your head up and ignore them because they don't deserve to be noticed by you. Just keep smiling because life is too short to be worrying about those things. 

The thing that makes me love New Years is the fact that it just makes you feel like you've been reborn again, I know it sounds weird but honestly it makes you refresh. If you did something that you regret just leave it in the past and start a new year and become a better you, there's no point in thinking about it and being depressed unless it's something really really bad. 

Don't get yourself all worked up from something so unnecessary. Again just be happy with where you are and with the people around you. 

Make this year one of the best years you've ever had. 

One of my New Years resolution is that, I want to become a better person than I was last year. Also I really need to stop over thinking about things that I shouldn't even be thinking about in the first place because it had made me become really stressed and unhappy last year so that's one of the things that I need to work on this year. And to not compare myself to other people. So those are the main things that I will focus on this year to become a happier person. 

I love you guys and have a Happy New Year!  Also remember to not work too hard and stress yourself out, just live life and not worry about things so much, I can guarantee you that it'll make your life a lot better. :)   

"The less you worry about the things you don't want to think about, the less complicated life becomes" 

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