Think Before You Do :{

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There's always a time where we regret the things that we do, but the thing that sucks the most is when we realize it's the wrong thing to do after it already happened and we can't go back in time to change it.

The world that we live in now only gives us one time to do things right and if we don't do it right the first time then we will be stuck with it for the rest of our lives.

The most important number 1 rule is to always think before you do or say something because that simple slip up can actually ruin your or someone else's lives. We don't want to unintentionally hurt someone just because we didn't think the consequences through.

Sometimes if you think before you do something, it could save you from a lot of trouble.

I have two examples of me not using my brain and that led me into some deep shit. (please excuse the language).

The first example is when I put my phone in my breast pocket of my school shirt, and when I went to go and bend down to get the mail my phone slipped out. Thankfully the screen wasn't cracked but even worse the touch screen wasn't working. I was so upset because I thought that everything was going to be lost, I thought that all my photos will be gone and all the high scores in games that I have worked hard for will be erased. But fortunately when I got it fixed everything was still intact. So you see if I had used my brain and thought about my phone during that time everything would be fine and I wouldn't have to spend money on fixing it.

Next example was when I accidently said something mean to my friend just because I wanted to be cool in front of other people. Looking back now makes me feel like a female dog. I hate myself for not thinking things through because that simple little sentence could've ruined my friendship with her.

I'm saying this to you guys now, think before you do something before you regret it, otherwise you'll be the one who's hurting in the end.

The words that comes out of your mouth or the action that you do could save someone's life or it could destroy them. Not only someone else's life but your own life too.

Don't let your stupidity take over because you're way smarter than that.

"Before you say and do, think about it seven times and if you're still not sure, then don't do it"

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