Excluded :(

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Admit it. We have all felt left out at some point in life. 

Whether it was by a group of friends, or by your family members. No matter what the situation is everyone has felt that way. 

But I'm going to tell you guys to not give a freaking fuck about it okay? Because this will still happen, you will always feel like this whether you like it or not and if you don't want to feel this way then you have the power to control whatever you feel. Don't let this feeling overpower you. 

Feeling excluded is a common thing so don't you ever think that you're weak or anything because you're not. Don't let others make you feel bad and most importantly don't make yourself feel bad. 

So what your friends got invited to a party and you didn't? You would rather want to stay at home and read books on Wattpad am I right? 

So what if one of your friends ditched you for someone else? It's their lost and they're not worth your time anyway. You can find another friend that won't ditch you. 

So what if someone is talking about you with their friends? Don't think so low of yourself, just keep your head up and ignore them because again people like them are not worth it. 

Why should you feel sad for something that you didn't want to happen, it's not like you wanted to feel excluded. No one deserves to feel like they are being excluded because that's just not right. 

If any of you guys see someone who is all alone or if you see anyone who got ditched by their friends, maybe you could go up to them and tell them that they deserve better because I swear no one deserves to feel like their not enough. 

You guys are worth it, you're worth everything and if no one sees that then their blind asf. You don't have to feel excluded you know? Because you can change how you feel.

 You could make someone's day 100 times better by just making them feel like their wanted or by talking to them and including them when you have your group talks. 

We all deserve to feel like we're worth something instead of feeling useless. 

"In life, you are going to be lied to, left out, talked about, and used, but you have to decide whose worth your tears and who isn't"

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