Things that Annoy me Part 2 :~)

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Number 1. PDA (Public Display of Affection) 

I think this topic can relate to a lot of people. I mean you know let's just make out in the middle of a shopping centre, who cares about the people around us they won't mind. Um yes, I think the people around you will mind very much because we came here to shop not to watch you lip locking with your damn girlfriend/boyfriend. If we wanted to see some intimate action then we'll watch some porno. But seriously please control yourself until you get home because the shopping centre, the beach, the swimming pool or any other public place is not the place to make out and be all touchy feely. Please control those hormones.

Number 2. Repeating myself 

I don't know why but every time when I have to repeat myself I get really annoyed because I'm that type of person who only say things once and if the person didn't hear it then I can't be bothered saying it again. Though some times it can benefit you because you might of said something you'll regret and the other person didn't hear you so yeah. But most of the time it get's really annoying though. 

Number 3. Instagram captions 

Instagram is a freaking fantastic app to go on every day but sometimes it gets annoying because people post pictures and they use captions that has nothing to do with the picture they post. If you're going to use a cheesy quote then at least make it relatable to the picture. Also if you're going to use a caption that involves lyrics to a song please make it relatable to the picture as well because people can get confused of what you're trying to say. The picture is saying one thing and the caption is saying another thing. 

Number 4. Accusing 

I just hate it when people accuse me of something that I didn't say. Don't put words into my mouth unless you can prove that I really did say it. I just get so pissed of when someone accuses me of saying things because it's not fair. Don't accuse someone when you don't even know the whole story. 

Number 5. Cocky people

Cocky people are probably the type of people that I would put third on my hate list because they think that they are so good at every thing that they make other people feel bad about themselves. It just makes me mad that they go walking around and having an expression on their face that makes you want to punch them so hard.We get that you're smart and good at things but please don't go and be all cocky about it. 

Hey guys, so this is a second part to a chapter that I've already done before but I figured that I should do a second part because it's fun and honestly there's heaps of things that annoy me hahaha :P

"Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings and emotions." - Will Smith

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