My Escape :3

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In a situation where i feel all frustrated and feel like everyone is ganging up on me, i tend to have my own getaway where i find something soothing to do like playing my guitar or just listening to music. 

Some people have their own getaway like, shopping, going to a quiet place to think, singing or even eating away the pain and frustration. 

Life is just to short to be worrying about the small little things, sure sometimes we have arguments with a love one but that's just part of life weather you like it or not there is always going to be fights and disagreements, but causing yourself pain is not the way to go about it. 

Doing someone that will calm yourself down without hurting yourself is the best way to deal with a situation where you just want to throw every object in sight. Everyone has their own way of dealing things. 

Sometimes you may feel like your family doesn't love you just because they have arguments with you but they just want the best for you and deep down you know that they will never hate you, never give up on your family because they would risk everything for you. I know some families out there are abusive but again you have to find an escape from everything, and maybe get some help from the people who actually cares for you to get away from your abusive family. 

But anyway don't worry if you don't have an escape because you'll find out what your escape is sooner or later. 

We all have tough times but that's what we learn from and become smarter, don't ever get out of control and do something you'll regret for the rest of your life. 

When i was younger my brother would always tease me and i would get so frustrated that i just wanted to hit him and one day i couldn't handle his teasing anymore so i got a knife out and threaten him, i was actually shocked myself on why i would do something like that to my brother. In my head i was thinking through all the things that will happen if i actually did what i was threatening to do, i imagine a life without him and let me tell you that, that was the most horrible image i would ever imagine because a life without my brother is like a life without food, i can no longer survive if i lose my brother i don't know what i'll do. The point is that when i put that knife down it was the best decision i've ever done because i love my brother to bits and i will never hurt him ever. 

To this day i still think about the stupid things i've done in the past, and i'm just so grateful that i didn't hurt anyone along the way. 

The day where i found my escape was when i first brought my guitar, it was one of the happiest moments in my life so far. I finally found the thing that could help me get through the tough times. 

The whole point of me telling you that story was to make you realise that family means more than anything and stop what you are doing before it's to late and you'll regret it. 

"The hardest prison to escape is in your mind"

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