Judging People :{

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There are many types of different people in this world but the ones that get to me the most are the people that judge other people based on how they dress, act, or look. 

I have said this once and I'm going to say it again. Being different is good because it gives you the chance to do whatever you want and be whoever you want to be, it makes you unique. Don't listen to some low life ass hole who judges you. 

Don't give them the satisfaction of being hurt because that's what they want. 

The real reason behind this chapter is to talk to those people who judge. What's so wrong about people dressing the way they want or people acting themselves, you should not judge because how would you like it if the world started judging you because of the way you look? Not very pleasant is it?

If you are a judger then shame on you, you should be ashamed. It's bad enough that most people don't have the self confidence in them but for you to make them feel even worse is just a horrible thing to do. 

Everyone is equal, God has made us all to be different, God wants us to be ourselves and to not let other people get to us. 

Who cares if that girl wears ugly clothes, who cares if that guy wears nerdy glasses, or if that women is fat. Who cares. Nobody should feel uncomfortable. Don't be a judger be a hugger (okay that totally failed)

Also if the only reason that you are judging a person is because you're jealous of them then stop because even if you're jealous of them it doesn't give you the right to hurt them or bring them down. Also this brings me back to my other chapter when I say don't compare yourself with other people because it will only lower your self esteem and it actually does. Don't laugh at anyone just because you have something that they don't just because you're more fortunate then them. 

Don't be a snob, nobody likes snobs. 

When people have a disability don't make fund of them because you have no fucking clue what they have to go through. All the things that they can't do and you can just because they're disabled doesn't give you the go ahead to make fund of them or to tease them. 

You should be grateful for the life that you are given so don't judge other people just because they are less fortunate then you are. 

Hey guys, I know this chapter is a bit all over the place but I'm glad that this chapter is finally out there for people to read :)_))) 

And I probably have said the word 'judge' or 'judger' like a billion times but don't judge ;)

I want to end this chapter with:


"Before you judge someone just remember to be perfect for the rest of your life"

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