Frustration :-s

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Sometimes you feel like there's nothing to live for anymore so you keep on thinking of ways to just end your life, but the thing is that there is actually so much things for you to live for. So much people that care for you even though you may not think about it but there is someone there that will comfort you and will keep you safe. 

Everyone has been through the situation where they get so frustrated that they cannot deal with anything anymore but it's ok because everything will all work out. Whatever the problem or situation may be it will work out trust me. You are not alone. You may feel alone and think that your being ignored but that is just in your head, if people do ignore you and say that they hate you then they are not your real friends, there are alot more friends out there that will be way better. 

Don't let anyone step all over you, you are stronger than that, don't show anyone your weakness because one day they will use that against you. Frustration maybe the feeling that everyody gets once in a while but it's okay, it teaches us that life goes on and everything happens for a reason. It's a challenge in life to make you stronger. 

Some people might have a bad day and they ask God why, but actually it's a challenge just to make you better and stronger and overcome whatever things may fear you. No one is perfect but everyone is equal, nothing more and nothing less, we are all the same inside and out. No one gets favoured we are all treated equally. 

If you have a fight with someone that is really close to you, don't give up because your relationship towards them worths much more than that. Everything. Will. Work. Out. 

You just have to be patient. Sometimes when you get really frustrated and angry you have to let it all out and tell someone about it because that will always help, and that's absolutely fine. But never ever give up your life just because life is suddenly to hard for you. Don't go down without a fight, and even if you lose that fight still get back up. Frustration can always lead to bad situations but you can always prevent it from happening. 

You are strong always remeber that. :) 

"Cry as much as you want to, but make sure when you're finished, you never cry for the same reason again. - Wiz Khalifa" 

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