Education :/

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Im pretty sure everyone in this whole world has at least failed one test if not then at least failed at something. But i'm here to tell you that failing doesn't mean it's the end of the world it's just a stepping stone to success. Sure your all stressed out about it and you study your butt of the night before and then when you get the results your not happy about you can be a little sad, heck you just want to sit in a corner and cry but let me tell you something, everything is not all about passing, what matters is that you tried your best and you gave it all you had. 

I know it sucks that you have to tell your parents but they love you and they will understand, it's not like they haven't failed a test in their school years. I know that parents can pressure you into doing a specific job when you grow up and you dont't want to dissapoint them but in reality it's your life not their's. You're still making your parents proud, trust me all they want to see is that you can get a job that supports yourself and have a family of your own that's what they really want for you, not for you to be one of those jerks who is stinking rich that just shoves it into people's faces.

Some of us may not be as smart as others but that's perfectly fine that's why we go to school, so that we can learn and be better. If a person is teasing you about your smartness just get a handful of pie and shove it into their face lol just kidding but tell them to back of because not everyone is the same, we are all different but we are all humans, humans who have different characteristics and different personality but that's what makes us unique. 

"If you screw up and make mistakes don't beat yourself up about it, life didn't come with instructions."

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