Mood Swings *_*

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Let me just start off by saying how much I hate it when people are all happy one minute and then the next they are all mad at you. Like wtf?

I really don't get it because it's so confusing how everything was just fine and then all of a sudden they start acting like a total ass to you. 

Like I get that you had a bad day or that something had pissed you off, I understand that because we all have those moments but the part that I don't get is, why are you taking it out on people who has done nothing wrong? 

It's so frustrating how people think it's okay to make someone feel bad about themselves just because their having a bad day. 

And for the other people who do get picked on by people like that, just stand up for yourself. Don't be scared, why should you be scared anyway? You didn't do anything wrong, it's their fault that they can't get their act together. 

Just because you're in a bad mood it doesn't give you the permission to be a bitch to everyone else who did nothing to you. 

I know I said this before but this topic just makes me mad because it's just the fact that people don't appreciate the people who are always there for them and support them. And it's not fair for those people who tries to make everything okay. 

Also if there is a reason to be mad at that person then just tell them instead of giving them the silent treatment because believe me that isn't going to do anything but make you look like a 5 year old. So the next time when you're mad at someone just tell them, don't give them the silent treatment and don't take it out on someone else. 

"Be grateful for the people who tries for you"  

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