Faking ill

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Niall had been up all Night with really bad stomach cramps but he never told Liam because he knew Liam wouldn't appreciate being woken up early so he just took some tablets and went back to bed he couldn't sleep so he just watched TV until he finally fell asleep but as soon as he did Liam came in his room and was shaking him awake

"Ni, mate get up we have to go to the studio" Liam said as he opened Niall's curtains

"Li, I really don't feel well" Niall whispered as Liam came to and pulled his quilt off him,

"Niall get up and get dressed we don't have time for your games" Liam said

"I'm not lying Liam I really feel ill" Niall said as he nearly started crying,

"Niall pack it in and get dressed now" Liam shouted before leaving the room. Niall bit his lip trying not to cry as he went and got dressed before going downstairs

"Morning lads" Niall whispered as he sat down at the table and put his head down on it.

"Niall are you still playing that you're 'sick'" Liam asked as Niall lifted his head off the table to look at the lads,

"I'm not faking It Liam, I really am ill" Niall said

"I believe Liam Ni, you always fake being ill every time we have to go to the studio" Zayn said

"I agree Liam and Zayn Ni" Harry agreed but Louis didn't say anything because he could tell Niall was ill just by looking at him as he had bags under his eyes, he was really pale, sweating a lot and he was also shaking a lot

"Guys let's just go to the studio so we can record and Niall's first" Louis said as he was getting really annoyed with the convocation. So all the lads climbed into to the car and started their journey to the studio, Niall had put his head on the window and slowly fell asleep

"Guy's why you being do hard on Niall, when he looks really ill" Louis asked once he seen Niall asleep

"Don't tell us you actually believe his act" Liam asked

"Yes I do actually because it isn't an act if you look him" Louis pointed out as he knew the lads haven't looked at Niall properly and took in how he looked.

"Louis he's just faking it" Harry said as he looked at Louis

"No he isn't now let's get out the car and go and record" Louis said as he turned to wake Niall up why the others went inside.

"Ni, mate wake up, we're here" Louis gently said as he tapped Niall's shoulder until he woke up and looked at Louis with teary eye's

"I know mate come on you can record first then relax" Louis said as he helped Niall out the car and into the studio.

"Morning lads" Julian said

"Morning Julian" the lads said

"Who's recording first" Julian asked

"Niall can as he isn't feeling well," Louis said before the others could speak.

"Yeah he really don't look well you sure he should be recording," Julian asked as Niall went to get ready and the others went to get some water.

"You try telling the others, they think he's faking it," Louis explained.

"How about Niall and you record first then you can take him home," Julian suggested.

"Yeah please Julian," Louis pleaded as he seen Julian nodded, so as soon as the others came back Julian nodded to Niall to start singing his part in 'where do broken hearts go'.

"Counted all my mistakes and there's only one

Standing out from the list of the things I've done

All the rest of my crimes don't come close

To the look on your face when I let you go

So I b-"before Niall could finish is part, he fell straight to his knees puking up before the lads even could get to him he blacked out.

"Lads quick" Julian shouted as he seen Niall lying their lifeless on the floor

"What is it Julian, we're trying to practice" Harry asked

"It's Niall, he's blacked out after throwing up and it's not just vomit" Julian panicked. As soon as Julian said it was Niall, Zayn and Louis was straight out their seats and to the studio door. Where they opened it to see Niall lying in his own vomit and blood.
"Zayn go and call an ambulance please" Louis asked as Liam and Harry approached the horrible scene,
"Ni,please wake up" Louis pleaded. once the paramedics came they sent the lads out the room while they putted Niall onto a stretcher with loads of machines on it.
"Who wants to ride with us" one of the medics asked and louis instantly put his hand up before climbing into the back of the ambulance while the others went in a different car. When they arrived they had seen Louis in the waiting room and instantly rushed to him
"Where is Ni, Lou" Liam asked
"In the operating theatre, having his appendix out" Louis replied as they all hugged each other until the doctor came out
"Anyone here for Niall Horan" The doctor asked and all the lads stood up
"How is he doctor" Liam asked
"He's alright just very sleepy and sore but he's a strong lad" the doctor said
"Can we see him" Zayn asked as he seen the doctor nodded to and lead them to his room. All the lad rushed to Niall's side apologising to him
"It's alright boys I already forgave you as long as you buy me Nandos" Niall said and all the lads laughed but Nodded their heads so the next day when Niall was out of the hospital They grabbed a take away Nandos and then Niall wasn't allowed out of bed for a week


Hi guys hope ur all good sorry this is rubbish anyway  
I'm working on a lot of requests tonight and should have them up by tommorow

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