Fair fun gone wrong Niall part one

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The lads had decided last night that we would go to the fair today but first we all had to get up.

Liam and Louis was the first ones up and decided to wake Niall, Harry and Zayn but before they where at Harry's door he came out his room with wet hair and wearing skinny jeans, white t-shirt and some brown boots.

"Morning Haz" Louis said

"Morning H" Liam said

"Morning Lou and Li, I'm gonna go start breakfast" Harry replied

"Okay H, were gonna go get Ni and Ze up"Liam replied as Harry made his way downstairs to make Pancakes.

Niall's pov

After Liam had woke me up I did my normal morning routine before going downstairs and sitting at the table with my my head on it

"Morning Ni" Harry cheerfully said

"Morning Haz" I replied

Once everyone had breakfast we decided to leave now so we all climbed in the car with Liam driving.

As soon as we where their Liam parked the car then we all climbed out.

"Where first" Louis asked

"Louis u first then Zayn, Me, Harry and then Niall" Liam replied

"Ok, where first Lou" Zayn responded

"Alright to the big wheel we go🎡" Louis shouted

After we all part from Me had been on our rides, we decided we where gonna have a snack before they go on My choice of ride (which was a bad idea)

"Right what do you all want to eat" Liam asked

"Hot dogs" We all cheered as Liam went and brought us all a Hot dog and coke.
Once they where done Liam asked Me what he wanted to go on.

" The waltzers" I replied

"You sure" Liam asked and I nodded so they all went over to the waltzers.

"Who's gonna come on with me" I asked

"I will" Louis said as he had the strongest stomach in the band.

I cheered as i grabbed louis hand and dragged him onto the ride.

Durning the ride I had felt my belly turn badly but I was able to keep my breakfast down until the ride was done, then I told the lads I needed the toilet and all the others nodded and followed me but I just kept running so they where a bit confused.

As soon as I arrived in the bathroom I instantly dropped to my knees to puke in the toilet but before I dropped to my knees, someone grabbed me and held a knife by my belly

"Well if it isn't mister famous boy band loser Niall Horan, what are you doing all alone huh" the person asked

"HE" I was about to shout help but was cut off by the man stabbing me straight in the stomach making me scream before I fell unconscious.


Hey guys sorry I haven't updated a lot but I will be now on so please request some promts love u all part 2 soon

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