Cold and Stressed = Panic attack /L.S

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This is dedicated to LLarryis_life_98


The lads had just finished the last interview of the day and were all tired but as well as being tired Louis was also stressed and had a cold and all the lads knew that.

While they were in the car Louis had fallen asleep on Harry's lap,

"I wonder what's made him so stressed, I mean we can tell he has a cold but being stressed as well is not good" Liam said looking at Louis

"Well Louis was telling me that Lottie is quite sick at the moment and he wants to go and see her but can't because of tour which is also stressing him out and now the cold, It's all too much for him" Harry explained as he ran his hand through Louis's hair

"Oh that's why then" Zayn asked

"Yeah" Harry sadly spoke

"We should really ask Paul to cancel the interviews for the next week and let Louis go and see Lottie" Liam suggested

"I'll have to ask Johanna, while you call Paul, is that ok Liam" Harry asked

"Sure, let's hope Johanna says yes" Liam answered

They carried on talking until they arrived at Larry's house

"I'll call you guys later" Harry said as he picked up Louis, shouting goodbye to the others as he walked up the driveway and unlocked the front door, walking in and closing it with his foot then placing Louis on the couch, then grabbing his phone and walking outside.

Harry's pov

After I placed Louis on the couch, I grabbed my phone and walked outside so I could call Johanna

After two rings she picks up

J: Hello Harry, how are you

H: I'm good thank you, how are you

J: I'm good thank you, how is my baby boy

H: Well that's why I'm calling you actually

J: Why, what's wrong

H: Well you see Louis has come down with a cold but not only does he have a cold, he has also been very stressed about tour and also about Lottie, so I would like to know if it's okay if Louis and I could come over for a couple of days and see everyone

J: Of course, you can but what about tour

H: Well Liam is going to call Paul and then text me

J: Ok, text me if you are coming, plus what day and time

H: Ok, you have a good night, both Louis and I love you

J: You too Harry, make sure you look after my baby and love you both too

With that I hung up and went back into Louis, only to see him shaking and holding his chest.

Louis's pov

I woke up with a jump and realized I was on the sofa in Harry's and mine's house

Wait omg where is Harry I thought as I felt my heartbeat beating rapidly, my chest had shooting pains in it, I felt dizzy and was shaking which ended me up on the floor holding my chest and shaking which Harry had came in and seen then rushed straight to my side

"Baby, take deep breaths" Harry said rubbing my back

Easy for him to say I thought as I tried to calm down but couldn't

"Boo, come on, deep breaths copy me" Harry orded

Which I tried to do as I watched Harry showing me how to take deep breaths

He can be such an idiot sometimes I thought once again

"Babe, baby, Louis, you ok"

"Y-yea" I wheezed out a but still finding it a bit hard especially when you have you have a cold

After about twenty minutes of me wheezing and Harry being my crazy idiot, I was finally able to breathe

"You ok now boo"

"Yes thank you Haz"

"Want to tell me what just happened" Harry asked

"I had a panic attack" I quietly said

"What, why" Harry asked confused

"Because I had a bad dream and you weren't in the house" I told him

"Aww boo, why didn't you tell me" Harry asked

"Because I have a really sore throat" I spoke and before he could answer back his phone beeped, so he looked at it then smiled then started typing to someone

"Who was that Haz" I calmly asked

"That was Liam telling me that we have a week off"

He said not taking his eyes off the phone

"So who you texting now" I asked before a cough escaped my mouth

"You really wanna know" Harry asked as I nodded still coughing

"Your mom" he told me as I gave him a questioning look

"Because we are seeing your mom and all the girls plus Ernie tommorow for 6 days" he told me and to be honest I was shocked but fell into a sneezing fit.

No ones pov

Louis and Harry had a lovely week and Louis was better and they were all happy that was until Harry was coughing and sneezing none stop

835 words

Hey guys hope all good, sorry didn't update yesterday I didn't get home from hospital until 6 at night and was tired but anyway I'm meeting my best friend who is like a sis to me tomorrow so I can't wait and again I'm sorry there might not be an update for ransom and car crash until Saturday love u all btw thank you for everyone that commented means a lot and ur not lazy at all xxx

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