Niall hurt

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Hi guys this request is for CaitlinCorbY

Everyone knew bad things could happen in concerts but not as bad as this.


"lads come on time to go" The lads stage manager shouted at them as they had a concert in 5 minutes and all the lads where just messing around part from Niall he was talking to his girlfriend Caitlin,

"Hey princess"

"Hey babe"

"Do you know how much I love you?"

"How much Ni"

"To infinite and beyond and back"

"And I love you just the same babe now get out there" and after giving Caitlin a kiss Niall and the lads all headed on stage.

It was all going good until Niall and Harry decided to jump on the stage boxes and that's when it all went downhill,

Harry and Niall were playing leap frog jumping to each box that was until Niall jumped going to jump to the next box but missed and fell straight on his side but the problem was that as he fell his arm went the wrong way so when he fell his arm made a horrible cracking Noise and Niall screamed his lungs out. All the lads and Caitlin ran straight to him

"Baby are you ok" Caitlin asked as Niall shook his head while Liam called an ambulance

"What hurts baby"

"M-my arm" Niall cried out. Caitlin shushed him and ran her fingers through his hair why they waited for the Ambulance to come.

Once it did they quickly put Niall on the stretcher

"Who wants to ride with him" one the paramedics asked

"Caitlin" all the lads said

"Alright meet you lads at the hospital" Caitlin said as she jumped in the back of the ambulance and off they went.

As soon as they arrived Niall was rushed off to see if he need surgery while Caitlin was told to wait in the waiting area.

As soon as the lads came in (which was 5 minutes after) they seen Caitlin sitting in the waiting room and ran straight to her

"Where is Ni" Louis asked

"Doctor checking him over" all the lads nodded their head and sat down

Half hour later Niall came out with a cast on his arm and tears streaming down his face like rain drops streaming down a window, all the lads and Caitlin ran straight to him

"Baby what's up"

"I-I've let everyone done" Niall cried out as they all joined as a big group hug

"You haven't let no one down Ni I promise, now let's get Nandos" Liam said

So that's what they did they all went Nandos and spent the Night watching movies

Niall had to wait 6 weeks until he could get his cast off but that didn't stop the lad from enjoying himself at all.
Hi guys how are you all, sorry this is rubbish anyway happy Mother's Day to all ur moms, I had my check up appointment for hospital come in and that's the 25 March and I also have to have a scan on my heart the same day, I will be updating tommorow or Tuesday and the first update would be a request from Foreverxxniall___ and then I have nnonaterran request on the go and I'm also going to update my Niall centric tonight or tomorrow anyway ily all so much 🙈😘🙈❤️🙈

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