Emotions get the best off people

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This is requested by Harry_styles_4_life_ so thanks bbe

Harry and Niall had just came back from the studio but there was two problems

1: Harry was feeling sick and his belly ached


2: for some reason Niall had been quiet ever since he had a text from someone at 11 this morning which was weird for him

Harry's pov

Niall and I had arrived home 5 minutes ago, Niall went to our bedroom while I took my shoes of and made him a cup of tea and I had water as I took some tablets.

As soon as I'm done getting every think ready, I walk up the stairs and into the bedroom where Niall was lying down watching a rugby game so i place our drinks down and climbed on the bed, texting my mom and sister

Hey guys, how are you, miss you

Once I sent it I place my phone down and try lie down but my stomach hurt to much so I stayed sat up and went back on my phone to see a text off them both

Hi H we're all aright, how are you

I decided I'll call them so I could tell my mom how I feel and a catch up

"Baby I'm going to call my mom, I won't be long" I told Niall before leaving the room and pressing my mom number

A: hey baby boy

H: hey mom how are you

A: we're good baby, how is Niall and you

H: I don't know about Niall he hasn't spoke since 11 this morning and me I feel sick and my belly hurts

A: Awwww baby boy go and snuggle with your angel and tell him you feel sick

H: ok mom I love you

A: I love you too baby bye

With that she hung up so I walked back into our room and climbed on our bed trying to cuddle with Niall but he kept grumbling

"Niall, baby I don't feel good" I complained to him but not getting anything out of him so I cuddle closer and said it again which made him flip at me

"Harry stop it I don't want to cuddle at all why do you keep trying for"

"I'm sorry, I just feel sick and wanted to cuddle" I said making him look guilty

"I'm sorry babe, do want some medicine"

"No but can you do my hot water bottle and also give me cuddles plus a bucket in case" I asked as he nodded and left the room coming back 5 minutes with the things I asked for

"Here babe I'm sorry again" he said as he paced the stuff to me and climbed in bed with me.

I place the bucket on the bedside table and my hot water bottle on my belly before cuddling up to Niall as we sat in peace and quiet for a while before I spoke

"Baby why you been so quiet for all day and don't say you haven't because you have ever since you received a text this morning I said and that's when Niall broke down crying

"My best mate and cousin died" he spoke I felt so sorry for him.

We spent the rest of the day and night cuddling as I only puked three times that was it but felt better after it and also texted the lads telling them why Niall was quiet all day.
Hey guys sorry this is bad but anyway already working on another update love you all loads

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