The match for charity

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All the lads was in there way to the lg arena for Niall's charity wrestling Match against Aj Styles,
"Hey Ni you sure you want to do this" Liam worriedly asked.
"Yea Li of course" Niall happily replied,checking his phone to see they got more than 1 million pounds raised for their charity.
"Wow guys look at how much the fans have raised for out charity" Niall excitedly spoke as he shoved his phone into Louis face which made him laugh at how excited he was
"That's amazing Ni but you don't have to go through with it" Louis responded scared for Niall's own safety.
"Stop worrying guys, I will be fine anyway were here now" Niall spoke as he grabbed his bag.
Once they where parked,the lads was all rushed into the building so Niall could quickly get dressed so they could start the match.
After Niall was all sorted they rushed him out to the ring where there was 4.000 people cheering for him and he saw Aj stood there smiling as he got in the ring and shock his hand then the bell rang signalling the match had started.
The match was going fine until Aj got into his head that this was a real match and not just for charity. Aj grabbed Niall and thrown him at some steel stairs then he picked the stairs up and full on whacked Niall's arm making it snap and have a deep cut that would not stop bleeding and Niall would not stop screaming or crying, the lads quickly ran to his side trying to comfort him buy nothing worked he just cried and screamed wanting the pain to stop.
"Lou call the ambulance, Haz go and get me a towel and tape and Zayn come and hug Ni while I do the towel on his arm" Liam ordered as he quickly switched places with Zayn, Harry and Louis quickly came back.
Louis had towels and tape, while Harry followed behind him.
"They be here in 10 minutes, they said to keep pressure on the cut" Harry breathlessly spoke as Louis gave Liam the tape and towels then bent down and helped Liam put it in Niall's arm, why Harry and Zayn comforted and distracted him.
10 minutes later the paramedics got Niall sorted in the ambulance
"Who wants to ride with Niall but you have to decided quickly" One of the medics quickly spoke as he got ready to go.
"Liam you go we will get his stuff then meet you there" Louis spoke as he pushed Liam into the ambulance then told them to go and ran to the changing room grabbing Niall's stuff then asking Paul to take him,Haz and Zayn to Niall.
Once they arrived they seen Liam in the waiting room and instantly ran to him asking where Niall was.
"They took him straight to the opperaiting theatre for his arm about 20 minutes ago" Liam replied as they sat down in the waiting room on there phoned apologising to fans about the whole thing.
Half hour later a doctor came out
"Friends and family of Mr Horan" the doctor asked and all the lads stood up,
"Right Mr Horan is out of theatre, he is very lucky that you guys called the ambulance as he lost a lot of blood so he is having a blood transfusion. He had a Brocken arm so we had to fix that then we stitched his cut up but he should be okay just gotta wear a cast for 3 months, were going to keep him in over night but he should be out tommorow any questions" the doctor said
"Can we see him" Louis politely asked
"Of course room 10" the doctor spoke as he showed them to Niall's room where they where straight by Niall. Niall was allowed out the next day and had the lads running around after him.

Hey guys so I finally got round to updating today for u hope u like it love u all xxx

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