cold N.H

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Louis was sat on the cosy, fluffy and warm sofa playing fifa when he heard someone sneezing like a cat,

"Who just sneezed" Louis asked

"Me sorry mate" Niall replied

"You coming down with a cold nialler" Louis teased Niall

"No Lou I'm not coming down wi-achoo with a cold" Niall sneezed making Louis laugh

"You sure cause I can always go get Liam to come in and see" Louis threatened

"Yes I am sure Lou I am fine stop fussing" Niall huffed 

"Alright whatever you say mate" Louis put his arms up in defence

"Thank you achoo " after that niall went into a sneezing fit and he was struggling to breathe because of it.

Louis heard niall sneezing so he went into him to see him struggling to breathe so he ran outside to get liam

"LIAM come quick" Louis screamed

"Why" Liam asked

"Just come into the back because Niall something is up with Nialler" after Louis said that Liam ran into the tour bus with the others following behide him.

Once they arrived in the bus Louis showed them to the back where Niall was and Liam quickly went to Niall who was still sneezing and finding it very difficult to breathe and he was in a coughing fit

"Nialler calm down mate just breathe, Harry go and get some water, Louis can you get a damp cloth and Zayn go and get some medicine oh and Louis can you get tissue please" Liam ordered

"Yes sir right away " with that the boys dissapeard and left Liam to deal with Niall breathing,

"Right Niall I need you to calm down and take some deep breaths like this " Liam then took some deep breaths which Niall copying and his breathing went back to normal and Niall stopped sneezing and coughing

"Right Nialler what was that all about" Liam asked

All Niall did was shrug his shoulders. Zayn came back in with the medicine for Niall and he gave it Liam then Louis came in with tissues and a damp cloth and gave it Liam then Harry came in with some water and gave it Liam

"Here Ni drink some water it would make your throat better" Liam handed Niall the water and Niall drank it then Liam gave him the tissue and then went to give him some medicine but Niall stopped him

"why do I need that" Niall asked

"because you have a cold and the medicine will make it go" Liam simply said

"I don't have a cold it was just hay fever nothing else anyway come on we have a concert to go too" and Liam left it at that but he knew Niall was lying but he just left it and they went to the concert .

Halfway through the concert Niall started coughing but he moved the mic so no one could hear him but while he was coughing he also started sneezing again and went to go off stage but Unfortunately he passed out.

All the boys saw all the directioners pointing behind them so they looked saw a pale, sweaty  Niall passed out on the stage.

The lads being as protective as they are ran to him, picked him up and carried him to the dressing room and layed him on the coach.

Once they did that they went on stage and said they were ending the show before running back to Niall and patiently waiting there until he woke up and seen he was lying on the coach and the boys around him so he sat up but felt dizzy.

Liam was the first to see Niall sit up and instantly went to him.

" How are you Nialler " Niall just shrugged his shoulders

"Harry can u get Niall some water please mate "

" yeah sure" and Harry ran off and got some water then he came back and handed it to Liam who then undid the lid and gave it Niall who had a drink off it.

" You alright mate " Liam asked

" No I am freezing and I feel rubbish" Niall replied

" how do you feel rubbish mate" Liam asked again

"Brcause I have a blocked nose, sore throat, bad cough and I keep sneezing" Niall admitted

"You know what that means mate" Liam smiled

"What dose it mean Liam" Niall asked annoyed 

"Lou would you like to tell Nialler what is up with him" Liam teased

" Yeah alright Niall you have a bad cold so you have to spend the next week in bed and us slaving over you and you have to take your medicine" Louis smirked

"Oh alright can we just go back to the tour bus" Niall asked

"Yeah alright lets go"and with that they went to the tour bus where Niall was well looked after and was back to himself a week after and they had good irish look cause no one else got the cold

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