You never ruin anything/N.H

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Requested by riatomlinson23


1330 Words


Christmas Eve

Zayn's point of view

"Ni, love, come on, we need to get going, my mom will be wondering where we are" I shouted as I grabbed my jacket

"I'm here" Niall called as I looked up the stairs to see a pale Niall standing there in a long sleeve checked shirt, black skinny jeans and black high tops

"You ok baby, you look worse then yesterday" I asked him

"Yeah, come on, let's go" Niall responded even though I knew he was lying. You see he has been sick for a week now with a cough,cold,vomiting,fever, sweating but shivering as well

"Ni, I think we should go to the hospital" I worriedly told him as he slowly came downstairs

"No Zee, your mom expects us to be round the house for dinner" Niall told me as he grabbed his coat

"Let's make a deal" I told him as he nodded

"Right we'll go to my mum's for half hour then we will go to the hospital" I offered as he thought about it for a minute before he nodded his head as we walked out the door (me locking it) and climbing into the car, starting it up


As soon as I parked the car, I climbed out and walked over to Niall's side, opening the door for him and letting him get out before we walked up to mum's door and knocked on her door, waiting for her to open the door

"My babies" Mum screamed as she hugged me while the girls hugged Niall

"Mum please don't shout because Niall is sick and has been for a week now so I made him a deal, we will stay for half hour then go to hospital" I explained to her as she nodded

"Right let's get inside then we will talk" Mum told me before hugging Niall, then leading us all into the house

"Okay girls, come to the kitchen a minute" Mum told them as Niall came up to me and hugged me

"You ok baby?" I asked as I rubbed his back

"My chest hurts" Niall admitted

"Alright well mum wants to speak to me but after i'll take you hospital" I told him before the girls came out

"Zayn, mum wants you" The girls all spoke at the same time as I walked into the kitchen and closed the door

"Right so what's wrong with Niall" Mum asked rather concerned for him

"Well he's been vomiting, has a cough, cold, fever, sweating but shivering as well" I told her as she grabbed her laptop and went on the NHS website before typing the symptoms I just told her

"Has Niall complained about his chest" Mum asked

"Yeah, just a minute ago" I admitted as she whisperer something under her breath

"I advise you to go and get the car while I grab some of your spare clothes" Mum ordered me as I nodded and went out the house and did as I was told before going back into the house

"Okay girls" Mum finished off just as I walked into the living room, where Niall was all snuggled up

"Hey baby, ready to go" I asked as he stood up and shrugged

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