Never to old to be fussed over/L.T

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Requested by sarahbear10190

572 Words
Sorry this short

Louis's pov

As soon as my alarm clock went off, I knew today was going to be bad as my head was throbbing but I decided to just take tablets and suck it up even though I know I will regret it after but I just take some tablets and get ready for the day which I did all before Liam came in.

"Morning Lou" Liam cheerfully said

"Morning Li" I spoke back

"Breakfast is ready and just to let you know Paul will be here in 10" Liam told me as I nodded before getting my phone,wallet and jacket before going downstairs into the kitchen and grabbing some toast.

Once we were all ready, we sat down on the couch and waited for Paul who came in 5 minutes later

"Morning lads" Paul spoke

"Morning Paul" we all responded

"Right you guys have 5 interviews today all an hour long so come on in the van you get" Paul ordered us which we did.

The first interview went well, same as the second but the third one everything went wrong

We were just asking questions when I felt my headache come back much worse and I knew if I didn't take tablets soon it will change into a migraine and with my luck it did but that wasn't just because I didn't take tablets but also because the fans where screaming at Niall doing accents but I force myself to stay until I felt the need to vomit then I jumped straight up and ran to the toilets vomiting up my toast and my dinner from last night.

After about five minutes of vomiting I stopped and leaned back onto the cold wall but I guess they didn't turn my mic off so quick because the lads soon came running in, asking if I was okay

"Guys I have a migraine so please shut up"I told them before closing my eyes only for them to shoot open as someone picked me up

"Come on let's get you home" Liam told me as he carried me out to the car and lying me in the middle with a bucket

"Gets some rest Lou, we will tell you when we're home" Harry told me as he played with my hair as my eyes closed.

I must have fallen asleep because the next time I woke up I was snuggled up under blankets on the sofa

"Guys" I called out before hearing feet padding on the floor and then Niall appearing in to the living room

"Hey Lou, you okay" he asked

"I feel much better now thank you, where are the others" I asked him

"Oh there upstairs asleep" Niall simply said

"Wait what time is it" I asked him again

"About 12 am" Niall told me making me go wide eyed

"What are you doing up, your normally asleep by now" I asked

"I um wanted cuddles off you but the others said to just go bed" Niall shyly spoke

"Aww Ni, of course you can have cuddles" I spoke as I shuffled up for him to climb in which he did snuggling up to me, making me feel way better

"Night Lou Lou, Love you" Niall cutely said like a little child

"Night Ni, love you too" I spoke before falling back to sleep

Cuddles are the best medicine


Aston Merrygold followed me wtf am so happy all I need now is Liam,Niall,Louis,Harry and Zayn

Anyway Hey guys so I have the iPhone 6 now and it is amazing and I love using it to update anyway hope your all okay and just to let you know you don't have to request about the boys being ill you can request anything as I have changed the title to sick and bromance one shots love you all update once got 15 comments and 32 votes xx

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