Zayn sick

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All the lads' part from Zayn was sat in the living room watching Final destination, it was Liam that noticed Zayn wasn't down

"Hey lads have you seen Zayn anywhere other than his room" Liam asked

"No mate we haven't" Louis replied

"I'm going to check on him you guys coming" Niall asked, all the lads nodded their head and paused the movie, then getting up and going into Zayn's room where you could just about see him under all his blankets and quilt

Louis: Zee, mate you ok

Zayn: yea just tired Lou

Liam: Zayn look at me a minute

Zayn did as he told and sat up in bed that's when the lads knew Zayn wasn't well, he had a pale, sweaty face and bags under his eyes

Liam: what's wrong Zayn, you don't look good

Zayn: I don't feel good

Niall: what's wrong Zaynie?

Zayn: It's just a Tummy bug Nialler don't worry

Niall gently climbed onto Zayn's bed and cuddled up to him

Liam: well I'm going to go and find some medicine and get the thermometer

Harry: I'll go and get you a bucket and a wash cloth

As Liam and Harry went and grabbed the things, Louis went and phoned Paul telling him they won't be in today as Zayn is sick and Paul agreed with Louis and told him to tell Zayn to feel better soon. When Louis went back into the room he seen everyone all cuddled up and went and joined them

Louis: what's his temp Li?

Liam: 99%c so a slight fever

And that's how the lads spent the rest of their day cuddling Zayn and helping him out.

Hey guys sorry i haven't updated i'm just starting to get over this cold anyway sorry this is short and kida rushed but i felt like doing a short one how ya doin, i hope you liked this i will be updating a couple other books today hopefully and maybe this one again ily all so much xx

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