we're sorry

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Everyone thought that Niall was faking being ill for attention because Louis had broken his arm from slipping on stage the other day and ever since then the lads had been running around after Louis while Louis just laid in bed but they might have gone too far this time.

"Liam can I have a sandwich please" Louis shouted for the fifth time today

"Sure Lou" Liam shouted back as he walked into the kitchen, this is what it had been like all weekend ever since Louis fell and landed funny on his arm causing it to make a horrible cracking sound

Every time Niall tried to tell Liam or Harry or Zayn they would always say he was lying, today he was deciding whether or not to mention he still felt really ill like he had persistent pain, diarrhoea, shivering a lot and loss of appetite and Niall also noticed he had been getting quite confused lately. Zayn was sat on the sofa watching TV so Niall decided he would tell Zayn

"Ze" Niall whimpered

"What Niall" Zayn said clearly annoyed

"I don't feel good still" Niall said with a pained face

"Niall please stop faking it for attention just because Louis is getting looked after because he is hurt, were as you're totally fine" Zayn unpleasantly said

"I'm not Ze" all Zayn did was shake his head and went upstairs.

Niall tried had tried all the lads part from Louis and he had received the same answers and Niall was hurt and upset by their conversations so Niall decided to go and tell the drummer josh how he felt not bothering to tell the lads where he was going.

As soon as Niall reached Josh's house door, he felt himself coming a bit light headed but ignored it as he knocked on the door which opened seconds after he knocked

"Whoa, Niall mate you okay" Josh worriedly asked as he moved to the side to let Niall in

Niall shook his head as silent tear began to stream down his face

"Why Ni come on tell me" Josh begged as he rubbed Niall's back

"I have been feeling really ill like persistent pain, diarrhoea, shivering a lot and loss of appetite I've been getting quite confused lately and whenever I try to tell the boys they say I'm faking it for attention because of Louis breaking his arm but I'm not I promise I feel very sick" Niall cried into his best mates t-shirt while Josh rubbed his back while trying to calm his anger for Niall sake.

Once Niall was calm they both laid down on the sofa watching TV and Josh looking after Niall until it was time for the concert where they both stayed out the lads way until they had to go on stage where everything was going ok until Niall felt light headed again and everything was coming unclear until collapsed on the stage passed out Josh was the first one there and told Paul to call an ambulance while telling the lads to get lost and if they really cared about Niall they would keep their distance and that they should have believed him and took a look at him I mean he was as pale as a ghost, sweating loads and had dark circles under his eyes.

The ambulance came and medics was quick to get Niall on the stretcher and turning around asking if josh wanted to ride with them and Josh immediately said yes as he climbed in the back of the ambulance before they drove off with the lads following behind them feeling disappointed in them self's and guilty for ignoring Niall.

Once they arrived there Niall was rushed straight into surgery while another doctor came up to Josh

"Hello my name is Mr John and I'm one of Niall's doctors now Niall has gallstone, also called a cholelith is a calculus (stone) formed within the gallbladder as a concretion of bile components. Lithiasis (stone formation) in the gallbladder is called cholelithiasis. Gallstones are formed in the gallbladder but may pass distally into other parts of the biliary tract such as the cystic duct, common bile duct, pancreatic duct or the ampulla of Vater. Rarely, in cases of severe inflammation, gallstones may erode through the gallbladder into adherent bowel potentially causing an obstruction termed gallstone ileus. Presence of gallstones in the gallbladder may lead to acute cholecystitis, an inflammatory condition characterized by retention of bile in the gallbladder and often secondary infection by intestinal microorganisms, predominantly Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, and Bacteroides species. Presence of gallstones in other parts of the biliary tract can cause obstruction of the bile ducts, which can lead to serious conditions such as ascending cholangitis or pancreatitis. Either of these two conditions can be life-threatening and are therefore considered to be medical emergencies." Mr John explained

"How do you treat it" Josh asked

"Well like were doing now we are performing surgery on Niall, keyhole surgery will be used to remove your gallbladder if surgery is recommended. This is known as a laparoscopic cholecystectomy. During a laparoscopic cholecystectomy, three or four small cuts (each about 1cm or less) are made in your abdomen. One cut will be by the belly button and the others will be on the right side of your abdomen. Your abdomen is temporarily inflated using carbon dioxide gas. This is harmless and makes it easier for the surgeon to see your organs. A laparoscope (a long thin telescope with a tiny light and video camera at the end) is inserted through one of the cuts in your abdomen. This allows your surgeon to view the operation on a video monitor. Your surgeon will then remove your gallbladder using special surgical instruments. Sometimes, if it's thought there may be gallstones in the bile duct, an X-ray of the bile duct is also taken during the operation. If gallstones are found, they can sometimes be removed during keyhole surgery. If the operation cannot be done this way or an unexpected complication occurs, it may have to be converted to open surgery (see below). After the gallbladder has been removed, the gas in your abdomen escapes through the laparoscope and the cuts are closed with dissolvable stitches and covered with dressings. Laparoscopic cholecystectomies are usually performed under a general anaesthetic, which means you will asleep during the procedure and won't feel any pain while it's carried out. The operation takes 60-90 minutes and you can usually go home the same day. Full recovery typically takes around 10 days" Mr John explained as a nurse wheeled a sleepy and sore Niall through the doors up to Josh.

Josh didn't even realise that they had been talking for 2 hours but he did notice how all the lads were crying and it made him very guilty.

"Lads don't you have something to sat to Niall" Josh said as all the boys sank to their knees begging for forgiveness, Niall laughed softly and nodded his head to say that he forgives them and they all head home looking after both Louis and Niall even Josh helped.
Hi guys hope ur all okay this took me a while and it's my longest one yet but this was requested by Larry_is_life_98 anyway sorry I never updated yesterday my computer was being annoying. I will be updating more my books tomz or Wednesday anyway next week is Easter holidays yay I will probaly have loads of request done by time my two weeks Easter holiday is up and I'm happy to say i signed up for race for life today xx love to you all and btw I have updated car crash cx

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