Left out= Problems part 1

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Niall's pov:

When I woke up, I was feeling off but I decided to ignore it as we had a busy day full of interviews and photo shoots today and I can't let the lads think I'm trying to get their attention even though I'm not, I would love to though as they have been ignoring me and leaving me out the pass week.

Anyway as I untangled myself from my quilt and stood up ignoring the pain in my lower back and headed to my on suite bathroom doing my normal morning routine, shower, brush teeth, get dressed, style my hair and go toilet.

Once I did that, I grabbed my phone of the dresser and walked downstairs where I was met with the laughter of my boyfriends as I walked in the kitchen I seen Harry, Liam and Zayn all laughing and a pouting Louis

"Morning lads" I spoke as I grabbed some juice out the fridge.

All the lads mumbled a morning back before turning back to their convocation, leaving me out again which I was getting use too, so I just went into the living room until Paul arrived, trying to get some peace as I felt physically tired plus as well as that and the pain in my lower back, I was getting bad pain and discomfort in my side.

Just as I felt myself drifting to sleep, Paul walked through with a big smile on his face until he seen my face.

Had I upset him?

Does he hate me like the boys do?

Did the lads tell him something?

Had I scared him?

I was pulled out my thoughts by Paul shaking my shoulder and saying my name.

"Uh" I asked

"I was asking if you was okay and you spaced out" Paul gently spoke

"Sorry Paul, i was deep in thought" I replied looking up at him

"It's alright laddy, now tell me are you OK" Paul asked

shall i tell him or not?

"I'm fine Pauly just a little back pain that's all" I quietly said so the lads didn't know and plus i did kind of lie only because i didn't want to say no i'm not, my back and side are causing me discomfort and feels like someone is stabbing me with a knife but i didn't because he had more important things to worry about then me and once again i was pulled out my thoughts by Paul calling my name again.

"You sure your okay Niall because you keep spacing out and look like your about to pass out" Paul suspiciously said.

"Yea i'm sure, now let's go" i cheerfully said (but really i faked it to get Paul off my back) before heading out into the van, the lads and Paul following behind me, deep in conversation until they arrived at the van then they all fell dead silent staring at me weirdly before Paul pushed them inside and climbed in so we could start on our way to the interview .

when we arrived Lou came over and did all our make up and styled our hair before turning the chair so i was looking at her

"Are you okay Niall" Lou asked and before i could even reply she started talking again

"And on't say you are because i can see right through your lies unlike the lads and Paul, so please tell me whats up or i will get the lads and tell them, your hiding something from us all" it's true she can read me like a book :p

"My lower back and side has been causing me discomfort and pain all day" I said as Lou hugged

" Nialler, you need to tell the lads this could be serious" Lou sternly said as she stood back

"No please don't tell them, please i don't want them to think i'm trying to sneak attention" I cried

"Alright Niall i won't say anything unless it gets worse" Lou said i hugged her then stood up

"Where you going you have a interview in five minutes" Lou asked

"I'm going toilet, i won't be long" i said before walking off into the bathroom.

while i was having a wee i felt a burning sensation which made the pain even worse and it was to unbearable that i fell and everything went black...
I wonder what's wrong with Niall 🙊🙊
Hey soz didn't update yesterday anyway did u guys like this, hope your all good love you all lots btw comment if you want more xxx

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