Rugby gone wrong

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Today was Niall's big day, the day he played for Ireland's rugby team and to say he was excited was just a word, he was over whelmed he was offered this chance.

Even though there was a small problem and that was the others didn't think it was a good idea but they were still happy for him.

It was 10am in the morning and the lads was in the van on their way to the stadium.

"Ni you sure you want to do this" Harry asked as he looked at Niall

"Yes Haz I'm sure" Niall laughed as he snuggled into Liam

"Ni, you know you can pull out" Louis worriedly said as he thought of all the damage that could happen during the game

"Yes i know Lou but i don't want too" Niall simply said clearly annoyed with the convocation

"Alright but you do know what can happen" Louis said as he looked Niall straight in the eyes

"Yes Lou, I do, I watch rugby all the time now please stop going on about it" Niall politely asked

"Niall were just worried about you and your health" Zayn sighed, as they tried to stop Niall doing something he will regret but Luck wasn't with them as Niall said he was doing it

"Look lads I know your worried but believe me I will be fine" Niall sweetly responded

"Alright lads I trust Niall plus I had enough of this all so please stop" Liam asked as they all nodded. The car ride was silent after that.

Once they arrived at the stadium, Paul showed them inside the building, where Niall was rushed straight into the changing to meet his team while the others went to sit with the manager

"You ready to get out there an win" Keith asked as they quickly changed into their gear.

"Of course I am mate" Niall shouted as he did his laces up.

"Well let's go" Keith said before he helped Niall up and then followed the rest of the team out on to the pitch.

The lads knew something was going to happen because Niall was short and not that strong.

The game had been going well until Keith threw the ball to Niall and he run as fast as he can, two big buffy guys from the other team got in his way and Niall tried to dodge them but they shoulder barged him knocking him straight down on his arm but his head banging off the floor knocking him unconscious.

The lads and paramedics ran straight to him, the medics placing him straight onto the stretcher

"Sorry but only one is allowed to ride with us" the medic said

"Liam you go, we will follow behind" Louis instructed before him and the others run to Paul and Liam went with Niall in the ambulance.


As soon as they arrived, Niall was rushed off while Liam was told sit in the waiting room, 5 minutes later the others came running in seeing Liam in the waiting room

"Liam" all the lads shouted making Liam look up and jump out his seat to the lads, hugging them

"Any news yet" Louis asked

"Nope nothing" Liam replied

"I knew something was going to happen but i still let him do it" Harry cried

"Haze don't blame yourself, it wasn't our fault, it's just one of those things that happen" Zayn said and before anyone said anything else a doctor came out

"Mr Horan" the doctor said as all the boys walked up to him

"Right Mr Horan has a broken arm and a slight concussion but he is okay, he is allowed to go home but bring him back if he is sick, he has to come back in six weeks to get his cast off and he is awake if out want to see him" the doctor said before showing them Niall's room.

They all went into Niall and hugged him

"Niall your okay mate" Louis said

"Yea Lou, i am, I'm sorry" Niall said

"Aww Niall don't worry just listen to us next time" Zayn said.

Once they were home Niall was looked after for six weeks with four mother hens but he didn't care.

Hey guys so this is for ZiallGiggles go check her book out its amazing an she is also amazing too and also my chicken teeloganroryflanagan Go check her books there amazing also she is the most caring person ever anyway ily all xx

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