Does my appendix really have to go (Niall)

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No ones point of view

Harry heard a groan followed by a small whimper coming from the bunk across from him. He pulled back his red curtain.

"Niall" Harry asked. No reply. he said his name again but only heard a whimper.

"Ni, mate, wake up " Harry whispered into his ear.

"hmm?"Niall asked. He rolled over facing Harry. His face was pale and his eyes were bloodshot.

"Whoa, mate you ok?" Harry asked.

Niall nodded his head, yes . harry didn't believe him.

He placed his hand on Niall's forehead, feeling for a temperature. His head was burning up.

"Niall, you're head feels like it's on fire!"Harry panicked

"I'm fine!" Niall said with a small whimper that ws barley audible harry heard it though, but he ignored it. "alright then," Harry said as he turned back to his bunk he climbed back into bed and feel asleep.

The next morning

"Niall! Wake up! We're will be late for the interview!" Louis screamed into Niall's ear as he shook him violently to try and wake him up.

Niall felt sick come up into his throat and fill his mouth. He swallowed hard. His stomach flipped each time Louis shook him.

"Lou, stop it!" he croaked out. A tear slid down his cheek and fell on to the pillow which Louis didn't notice.

"Gosh someone is grumpy today" Louis said as he walked out the room.

Niall grunted as he got out of bed, His stomach lurched as soon as his feet hit the ground, he sprinted to the bathroom. He immediately fell to the ground, heaving painfully into the toilet.

After 10 minutes of emptying his stomach he started to dry heave. He took a deep breath as he sat back, leaning against the wall for support. His whole body was shaking as he stood up, his muscles weak from puking.

He slid out his phone to check the time and he had to double check it the interview started in a hour and it took 45 minutes to get ready. He flushed the toilet and then walked out the bathroom with one arm protectively around his stomach.

"There you are mate we were starting to get worried you over slept!" Liam joked patting Niall's back. He forced a small laugh at Liam's joke.

Harry watched him carefully as he walked into to the front of the bus ready to get out and he stood there watching looking worried for his mate and Niall looked over to Harry and smiled a bit hoping that it fooled him but it didn't so as soon as niall got in the car Harry pulled Liam back,

"What are you doing Harry we are going to be late for the interview" Liam said

"Listen Liam I pulled you back because I'm worried about Niall, he looked really ill last night and he felt really hot and he still looks awfully sick" Harry said and Liam looked out the bus over to Niall who had is head on the window falling asleep.

"You are right Harry he dose look ill just keep a close eye on him hopefully he will tell us" Liam said

"Alright then shall I warn Zayn and Louis" Harry asked

"Yeah come on lets go now!" Liam said as they ran to the car, were they all sat talking but Niall just rested is head on Liam's shoulder

"Hey Niall, are you ok" Liam whispered to Niall, Niall just nodded and fell asleep

"He really dosent look well at all Liam" Harry whisphered to Liam so no one can here him

"I know" Liam quietly said looking guilty for Niall

"Hey what are you two whisphiring about" Louis said and Liam and Harry looked at him then pointed down to the sleeping Niall

"Is he alright he looks like a ghost"Zayn finally spoke feeling his head only to move it quickly

"Gosh guys he is boiling like laver did any of u guys bring the thermometer so we could see if his temp is ok" Zayn told then and they all shook there head no

Once they arrived at the interview, the boys left Liam to wake Niall up why they went and told Paul that they weren't going to do the interview because Niall was really pale and hot and that they left Liam to wake him up to see if he tells him anything and Paul nodded and then the boys got a thermometer and went to the van and Liam was trying to wake Niall up but he wouldn't so he waved over to the boys to help which Zayn came and took Niall off Liam and then sat him up and Niall woke up,

"Hey Ni you ok mate you look like your in pain"

"No Z I feel really sick and my belly hurts and I feel dizzy and got a bad headache" Niall listed of his symptoms of to Zayn and Zayn nodded and put the thermometer in Niall's mouth and they waited for a bit and the guys came and waited with them soon they heard a beep and Liam gasped

"Ni ur temp is way to high we need to get youu to the hospital" liam stated and then Niall gagged and puked all over himself then he opened his eyes and puked even more and then he kept being sick and soon blood came up so Zayn grabbed Niall and ran to the other van so the the other one could get cleaned up and as soon as they all sat in the car paul got in and they set off to the hospital and Niall was still puking up blood,

"You are going to be alright Niall just hang in there mate alright you going to be alright" Harry kept saying over again after half way there Niall was shaking and still puking until he passed out then the boys told Paul to step on it which he did.

As soon as they got there doctors took Niall to the operation theatre to have Niall's appendix took out and after that the boys were allowed to see Niall and the doctor said he would be aloud to go home once he shows improvement which took over a week but they has there carefree nialler back and that was all they cared about.

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