Shouting and air sickness = A mess

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Request by stckholmlilo and Niam_is_life_123 as they had same prompts but A bit different
760 Words
This is a lilo bromance btw

Louis has always had Air sickness ever since he was 5 years old and being in the worlds biggest boy band didn't help either.

Louis's pov

"Lou wake up, we're here at the airport" Liam told me as he shook me awake

You see we were just about to board a to Ireland as Niall's mom had booked us tickets to fly over and see her which I was looking forward to but flying not so much.

"Lou, babe come on" Liam asked

"Let me sleep" I mumbled into the pillow

"No Lou now come on" Liam told me as he pulled the blankets off me

"Fine" I said before climbing out of bed, putting on some joggers and a t-shirt before taking my medicine

Once we were all ready, we all ran out the bus and to the private jet climbing into it and settling down on our seats.

"Hey baby, you ok, you look pale" Liam asked

"I feel cold but I'm okay" I told Liam as I done my seatbelt

"Tell me if you feel ill" Liam told me as I snuggled into him

Ten minutes after we started to take off making me burry my head into Liam's shoulder until we were in the air.

I decided since I was feeling fine for now, I joined in with the others playing monopoly but half way through it my stomach started to hurt, making me whimper which Caught all the boys attention

"Hey Lou, you ok" Niall asked me

"My stomach hurts" I told him as Liam came up to me

"Shall we go and lie down" Liam asked me as I shook my head

"Shall we go to the toilets then" Liam asked as I nodded before he carried me all the way to the toilet and set me in front of it before rubbing my back for a bit until I started throwing up until I was dry heaving

"Calm down babe, your okay, Zayn, Harry can you come here please" Liam shouted as they came in

"Zayn can you go get him some water and gum and Haz can you help me get him to our seats" Liam asked them as they nodded before helping me quickly as the plane was about to land.

Once I got off the plane I felt much better

"I'm sorry Louis" Niall quietly spoke but before I could say anything Liam answered

"No your not Niall, you could have picked the ferry but no you chose the plane even though you know Louis had air sickness" Liam questioned

"I just wanted to see the view" Niall whispered

"That's the thing with you it's always what you want and it's stupid Niall think of what we all want for a change" Liam shouted making Niall run off and Zayn follow him

"Liam what the hell was that" I angrily asked

"He had a choice" Liam simply said

"No he didn't if you actually listened to him earlier this week you would have known his mum booked the flights" I told Liam

"Oh god what have I done" Liam spoke as my phone vibrated

From: Zayn
To: Lou

Hey mate, just thought to let you know we're in the toilets poor Ni is crying like mad whispering Liam hates me over and over again plz come help me and bring Liam x

I frowned at the text

"Niall and Zayn are in the toilets but Niall is crying like mad and thinks you hate him Li" I told Liam as we stood up and walked to the toilets

As soon as we arrived in the toilets, my heart broke, Niall was sat on Zayn's lap face all red with tears down them as he was snuggled into Zayn's chest

"Ni come here bud" I told him as he stood up and ran to me as Liam came over

"Ni mate I'm so sorry I hurt your feelings I was just a bit stressed and I didn't mean anything, ur my little brother you can have anything you want I'm sorry do you forgive me" Liam asked as he looked at me before looking at Liam

"You don't hate me" He asked Liam

"Of course not bud" Liam said as he opened his arms which Niall happily ran into giving him a hug before we all went outside and waited for our car to Maura's house

Hey guys hope ur all okay sorry I haven't updated that much I'm not feeling to good at the moment but anyway hope ur all okay love you all xx

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