Ziall's daughters sick

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Zayn and Niall had been married for 17 years, after 3 years of being married Niall and Zayn decided to adopt a 3 year old girl called Jasmine who was now 14 years old.

"Jasmine time to get up princess," Niall said as he rubbed her back.

"Daddy I don't feel good," Jasmine said as she slowly sat up in bed.

"How come baby girl?" Niall said as he gently felt her forehead.

"I feel sick daddy and my stomach aches," Jasmine cried into her daddy's shoulder but she wasn't their for long as she her dinner come up and she climbed off her bed and ran straight to the toilet puking up, Niall was straight behind her rubbing her back until she was done and leaned back on Niall.

"Go and lie on the sofa until papa come back," Niall said as he helped Jasmine into the living room and placed her on the couch with a blanket, a bucket and her favourite teddy bear while he went and called Zayn as well as get some tablets and a drink for Jasmine.

"Hey babe, what's up?" Zayn said.

"Nothing just Jasmine's ill so she's asleep on the couch," said Niall.

"Is she okay?" Said Zayn,

"Kinda I think it's a stomach virus," said Niall.

"Aww, I'll be home at lunchtime so see you then babe love you," said Zayn.

"OK, babe love you too," said Niall.

After Niall ended the call he took the medicine to Jasmine and they spent the rest of the day resting even when Zayn came home. THe next day Jasmine was better.


Hii guys sorry this is so short anyway thank u @jazz1482 for the request I will do the Larry one soon xx I love you all cxx

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