My tonsils hate me/N.H

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Requested by NiallersGirl20


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1075 Words


Liam's point of view

As I woke up, I heard someone coughing their guts up

'Who's awake at three am' I thought to myself as I looked at my clock before I climbed out of bed and walked out my room into the hall-way before tip-toeing to where the sound was coming from, which seemed like it was coming from Niall's room, so I decided to check and I was right, there lay a tired, pale looking Niall coughing

"Do you need a drink Ni" I asked as I closed his door and walked over to him as he nodded his head

"Here" I spoke as I paced him his drink as he opened his mouth to say thank you but nothing came out, making Niall panic

"Calm down Ni, I'll get you some medicine" I offered as he nodded before I left, going into the bathroom, looking in our medicine as Louis came into the room

"Hey,what's wrong" Louis asked

"Niall's lost his voice" I told him

"Omg, is he ok?" Louis franticly asked

"I don't know Lou" I responded

"What do you mean Li" Louis asked clearly confused

"Well Niall looks really sick like, he's really pale, coughing, sweating and looks really tired" I explained

"Right, you get the thermometer and medicine while I will see if I can get him to write how he's feeling" Louis told me as I nodded before he left the room, leaving me on my own to look for the medicine, which didn't take long as they were right in front of me.

Once I walked into Niall's room, I seen Niall sat up a bit in bed writing while Louis watched him

"Hey, is he ok" I calmly asked as I sat on the other side of the bed, opposite Louis

"Let's just say, it's more then a cold" Louis told me

"Why, what's wrong?" I asked as Louis handed me a piece of paper, which read

'I feel really sick, I've got a cough, I'm tired, my ears hurt and I have a headache'

"Right, this isn't normal Ni, we have to take you hospital" I told him as he shook his head No before writing something down really quick before handing it me

'Please can we leave it until tomorrow' I read out to Louis

"Fine, we will leave it until the morning but for now you have to take the medicine" Louis ordered him as I opened the medicine

"Open up" I told him as I poured the medicine onto a spoon and giving it him

"Ok Ni, get some rest" I told him as Louis and I both stood up

"Li, can you stay with me" Niall quickly wrote before giving it me

"Of course Ni" I spoke as I climbed in by Niall and pulled him into my chest

"Go to sleep Ni" I whispered to him as he nodded before snuggling into me

Skip to the morning

"Li, wake up mate" Harry ordered as I came down to earth

"Thanks mate" I generously answered as I opened my eyes

"Can you wake Ni up please mate" Harry asked knowing how Niall was like

"Of course" I laughed as Harry thanked me before leaving

"Ni" I spoke as I gently tapped on his shoulder until he woke up which wasn't long

"Morning cutie" I spoke as Niall sat up a bit and scrolled at me

"What's wrong cutie" I asked as I handed Niall his note pad which he quickly wrote something down before handing it back to me

'I still feel the same as last night but my neck is really stiff' I read before looking up at him

"Sit up Ni" I told him as he slowly sat up before I looked at his neck, noticing how swollen it looked

"cover your ears" I told him before shouting Louis up which didn't take long

"What's wrong" Louis asked

"We need to take him hospital" I told him as he nodded before he ran downstairs as I put on a top and some shoes, then putting on a long top and socks on Niall as Harry came in

"Hey, do you need help getting Ni down" Harry asked

"Yes please" I responded as Niall moved to the edge of his bed

"Right, you grab one arm and I'll grab the other" Harry ordered as we both walked up to Niall and putted our arms around his waist before we walked downstairs and into the car

Skip car ride

As soon as we pulled up, Harry and I climbed out the car and grabbed Niall before rushing in

"Can someone please help us" Louis shouted as a doctor came over to us

"What seems to be the problem" The Doctor asked

"Niall here, has lost his voice, feels sick, has a cough, tired, ears hurts, headache and his neck is swollen" I explained as the doctor called for someone to get a trolley

"Right, place him on the trolley" The Doctor told us which we obeyed and placed him on it before he was rushed somewhere else while we were sent to a private waiting room

"Do you think Ni will be ok" Harry asked

"Of course" I responded as I received a text

From Paul

To Liam

Where are you guys

I read before sending a quick text back

From Liam

To Paul

We're in hospital, will call you later

I pressed send before quietly putting my phone back in my pocket

Skip an hour forward

As I opened my eyes I realised I had fallen asleep and Louis was waking me up

"Come on mate, Ni wants us" Louis told me as I sat up

"Is he ok?" I questioned

"He had tonsillitis, which meant he had to have his tonsils taken out" Louis told me as I stood up and followed him to Niall's room where Harry and Niall was listening to the nurse tell them about her daughter until he saw me and Louis and opened his arms for a hug which we obeyed

"You ok Ni" I asked as Niall nodded

"He won't be able to speak for two days, just to you let you know" The Nurse told us as we nodded before we started telling him a story

No ones point of view

Niall was better a week later which everyone was happy about.


Hey guys, sorry I didn't update yesterday, hope ur all well love u all loads

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