he has food posoning

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all the boys where start at nandos eating there food, Louis had orders chicken noodles but the chicken didn't taste nice but he ate it anyway but soon regret it as soon as his stomach turned so he exceused his self from the table to go toilet and as soon as he was in there he was sick for over half hour until he calmed himself down then he called Harry who picked up straight away

Harry please come toilet quickly

cause I are a bad peace of chicken and now I'm sick
alright I'm coming

and with that Harry hinged up and Louis was over the toilet again after two minutes later Harry was by Louis rubbing the boy back to comfort him once he was done he sat back and cuddled Harry
shall we go home Lou

yeah please hazza

and then they got up flushed the loo and told the overs then went home and within three days Lou was back to normal thnx to Harry

Hey guys sorry I ant updated just send request

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