Zayn allergic

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When Zayn was young his mom had taken him to the doctors because he had come out in a rash and was coughing a lot after eating sweetcorn and the doctor said to his mom he was allergic to sweetcorn.
"Zayn come try my homemade shepherds pie" Harry shouted as he placed the dish on the table, scooping a bit up and placing it on everyone's plate.
"Coming H" Zayn shouted as he walked downstairs into the kitchen sitting at the table and they all dug into their dinners while talking to each other.
Everything was going ok until Zayn started coughing as well as a rash appearing on his face.
"Woah, Zayn you ok mate" Louis asked as Zayn shook his head
"Call an ambulance Haz" Liam ordered as he placed Zayn on his back on the floor
"Lou can you call Trisha and tell her to meet us at hospital and Niall can you tell Paul the same thing" Liam asked before they heard a knock at the door so Harry stood up and answered it to the medics coming in placing Zayn on the stretcher and putting him in the Ambulance
Once they arrived at the hospital Zayn was rushed straight off as Paul and Trisha came through the doors
"Lads" Paul shouted as all the lads turned to face them
"What happened" Trisha asked
"We don't know, we were all sat eating Harry's shepherds pie when Zayn started coughing and a rash appeared on his face" Liam explained
"What was in the shepherds pie" Trisha asked
"Peas, potato, mince, sweetcorn" before Harry could finish Trisha interrupted him
"Oh god, did he tell you he was allergic to sweetcorn" Trisha asked
"No" Harry said before a doctor came out
"Zayn Malik" the doctor asked as they all stood up
"Right Zayn had a allergic reaction but he will be okay, would you like to see him" the doctor asked as everyone nodded their heads.
Once they walked in the room they see Zayn sat there watching tv and laughing
"Zayn, my baby are you okay" Trisha asked
"Yes mom and sorry for not telling you lads I was just embarrassed" Zayn explained
"Aww Ze don't worry we wouldn't have made fun of you or anything just make sure you tell us next time" Liam said as Zayn nodded and they all grouped hugged.
Zayn stayed overnight but was out the next day with the lads running round after him and they made sure he didn't eat sweetcorn again.
Hi guys hope ur all okay, this is actually happened to my auntie and ninjaterran requested it so anyway I hope Ya guys checked out my new book
Remember I love you all loads xx

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