Interview disaster part 2

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Requested by bballplayer23


400 Words


Niall's pov

The lads and I had just came back from an interview and Louis kept pestering me to have a race but Liam kept saying don't to me

"Please Ni or are you afraid your going to lose" Louis teased knowing I will give in

"Fine" I said before getting ready to start

"Haz count down" Louis ordered him

"3-2-1 go" Harry counted as we both started running me in front well that was until my knee was starting to burn a bit so I slowed down as Louis ran in front of me

"Chicken" he yelled making me run straight after him which I would say wasn't a good idea as I felt my chest tighten a lot

'Why didn't I say no for' I thought as I slowed down trying to stop my self from having an asthma attack but it didn't work at all and the worse thing is that I don't have my inhaler' I thought to myself as I wheezed trying to get air in but it didn't work and soon darkness took me

Liam's pov

"Calm down Li, I'm sure there alright" Harry told me because it has been half hour and both of them have yet to come back

'Should I tell Harry' I thought to myself only to be brought back to Earth by Louis running with Niall in his arms

"I don't know what's happened" Louis said as Harry called an ambulance

"I only found out today that he has asthma" I told Louis as he nodded

"The ambulance will be 5" Harry told us as we tried to stay calm until we heard the ambulance which wasn't far

"We have to move quickly" they told us as we all jumped in before setting off


It has been at least an hour now and we still haven't heard of the Doctor

"Niall Horan" The Doctor called as we stood up

"Right Niall has had a severe asthma attack so we have put him on oxygen and he has to stay in a couple of days also he is on a ventilator and is a sleep so be quiet" he told us as he lead us into Niall's room where we saw him all lay out  on the crippled bed

Hey guys sorry this is bad I'm currently nearly falling asleep righting so I'm going bed hope ur all okay love u all

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