Sneak peek of one of the new updates coming

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"C'mon Ni! Let's go! We have to be there in twenty!" Niall heard Louis scream from downstairs and rushed to put some clothes on. He walked down the stairs, carefull not to trip before grabbing his jacket.

"M ready!" He called to Louis, who was already sat in the drivers seat. Louis grinned as Niall jumped next to him in the car.

It was a surprise for Niall that Louis cane to puck him up. The elder boy normally not really up for anything like that in the morning. Niall would  usually go alone, taking his sweet old time.

Once they arrived at the recording studio Niall jumped out. Both lads walked side by side into the big building. They were in a joking mood, pushing each other back and forth, laughing.

They met up with the other three band mates happily.  Niall was buzzing if the walls hyper and smiley, Louis taking an amusement in Niall's excited mood.

It lifted the while mood in the studio. Because let's face it, bein in a dusty small place isn't the most exciting part of their job.

Their planning was laid out and Liam, Zayn and Harry were going to try and come up with some new ideas for songs, while Louis and Niall would record. After they would swap.

Once Both Louis and Niall were done recording they switched places with the other three. The two boys were still giggling and laughing, their happy mood not fading a single bit. Louis was making big hand signs with his hands to explain to Niall his song ideas.

For some reason he had in both his hands pens, but he already forgot about them. Well, that was until, with one sweep, a whole lime was drawn across Niall's face. Louis gasped, dropping the pens to slap his hands on his mouth. But not of shock, only because he had to keep his histeric laugh in. It looked ridiculous and Niall's shocked face didn't make it any less funny. But once Niall started to laugh, Louis also let go. They both were almost rolling around on te ground. Well, until Niall's hand came in contact with one of Louis' pens. That was when their, playful, fight started. Laughing they were now literally rolling over the ground, trying to stan up, only tofall over again.

Unfortunately, this only seemed to go well for a certain amount of time. Because after Niall tried to stand up, he stumbled backwards. He hit his head on the wall, falling over from the force. And before anyone could stop it, Niall's head comes in contact with te corner of the coffee table.

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