Ziam: Liam sick at a canival

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Liam and Zayn was cuddled on the sofa watching toy story,Liam was thinking of taking Zayn on a date to the christmas canival which was tonight and it was wam outside so he decided to ask Zayn.

"Zi" Liam softly spoke

"yeah" Zayn said looking at Liam

"will you go out on a date with me" Liam romanticly asked while blushing

"of course li,what time do i have to be ready for" Zayn exitedly asked

"6pm sharp" Liam sternly spoke and zayn shot straight up and ran up stairs.

6pm sharp

"Hey zi you ready to go" Liam asked as he stood at the door with it open waiting,

"of course, let's go" Zayn said and jumped in the car, Liam did the same after he looked all the doors. The car ride was silent but a comfortable silence. Once they where there at the carnival there was a load of rides and games and quiet a bit of people there too. Liam and Zayn decided to go and get a toffie apple first so they grabed their toffie apples and sat down and eat them, after tat they went andplayed on some games and on one of them Liam won a big teddy bear, once they had enough of playnig on the games they went on some and on one of them they ket spinning around and around at first Liam thought it was fun until he felt extremly sick and knew if he didn't get off then he was going to puke all down himsellf. Luckily the ride stopped and Liam quickly got off and ran behind the ride and started throwing up, Zayn followed behind Liam and bent behind him rubbing his back while he was sick, once Liam was done he sat against Zayn picked him up and carried him to the car putting him in the passanger seat and then cllimbing in the driving seat then he drove them home. once they where home Zayn carried Liam upstairs and laid him on the bed then he grabbed the medicine after Liam took the medicine, Zayn climbed in bed with liam and liam snuggled straight into him and falling asleep mumberling a love you to Zayn and Zayn followed after him too. The next day Liam was feeling so much better.

hey guys so sorry i havent updated but i do try my best and sorry this is short and rubbish but i will try my hardest next time to make it better and longer speak later love you all xx remmber to leave comments and request and please vote :)

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