Not listening ends in trouble

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It was days like today that Liam enjoyed more not that he didn't like performing and all that because he does but sometimes it gets too much, the reason he liked days like this is because they had a day off and decided to spend it in the hotel room just chilling and watching movies, so Liam (Daddy direction) didn't have to worry about anything bad was going to happen or was it.

"Morning lads" Liam said as he sat down at the table

"Morning Lili" Niall said with a mouthful of food

"Niall don't speak with your mouthful and morning Li" Louis said

"Morning Li" Zayn grumbled

"Morning babe" Harry said as he placed Liam's plate in front of him and kissed his cheek

"What we doing today" Louis asked

"We are going to have a movie day" Liam explained

"Can we please watch Nemo" Niall asked

"Of course baby" Louis said as he stood up and place his plate in the sink then went and sat back down waiting for the others to finish.

It wasn't long before Niall was up and putting his plate in the sink, while he was putting his putting his plate in the sink he heard Liam and Louis whispering

"Don't you dare Louis, you know about his leg" Liam growled as Louis stood up

"Stop worrying Liam" Louis said as he got ready.

Once Niall turned around everything seemed to be in slow motion, Louis ran and tackled Niall to the ground but as Niall fell his leg went the other way causing it to make a sickening cracking sound and all the lads whimpered as they heard it part Niall because he was screaming and crying.

Louis was quick to climb off Niall and put Niall's head in his own lap, while Liam was on the phone, Zayn was sat by Niall holding his hand and Harry was the other side of Niall holding his other hand. Once Liam was done on the phone he bent down by Niall who had calmed down a bit

"Paul's is coming to pick us up and take us to the hospital and the ambulance is on its way" Liam said as they all nodded.

Once the ambulance and Paul came they quickly put Niall on the stretcher

"Who wants to ride with us" One the paramedics asked

"Liam" all the lads agreed as Liam climbed in heading off in the ambulance. All the others followed behind in the car with Paul.

Once they arrived they quickly went in seeing Liam in the waiting area

"Where is he Li" Zayn asked

"Gone for an x-ray" Liam simply said before turning to Louis

"Why you do it Lou after I told you not to"

"I just wanted to have some fun I didn't expect it to end like this" Louis said as he finally let the tears slip

"Aww Lou, babe he will be fine they just want to make sure they don't have to operate" Liam said feeling guilty for his boyfriend.

It was half hour later when Niall came out on crutches a cast on his knee, all the lads ran up to him

"Ni I'm so sorry" Louis said

"Lou babe it's okay I forgive you as long as we can go back to the hotel and watch Nemo" Niall happily said

"Of course we can, let's go" Louis said as he took Niall's crutches off him and gave them Harry then picked Niall up and carried him to the car where Paul was waiting to take them back to the hotel so they could watch Nemo.
Hey guys so this is really old love u all xx

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