Horse ridding gone wrong(Harry and niall)

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Harry's pov

As soon as I woke, I jumped out my bed excited because today, the lads and I had all decided that we would go Horse ridding which of course i loved because my mom used to take me and Gemma every weekend so i know what to do and how to calm the horse if it gets freaked out.

I was interrupted in my thoughts by Liam coming into my room

"Hey mate, do you wanna serve breakfast now or after we've been ridding" Liam asked

"After we've been ridding so one we don't get sick and two the horse don't get scared" I happily replied

"Okay mate, want to help me wake the others up" Liam asked seeing me dressed already as i did wake up at three in the morning so i decided to get dress then instead of now, which helped a lot

"Sure mate, I'll wake Niall up and you can wake the other two" I smiled knowing Niall was really easy to wake but the other two wasn't.

"Thanks H, really sweet of you" Liam whined as I just laughed before we both walked out my room, me going into Niall's room while he went into the bath room.

I wonder what he is doing?

As i approached Niall's bed, I was met with a very cuddly Niall asleep so i sat on the end of the bed and rubbed his bed an very easy way to get Niall up and your all probably thinking that Niall should be the one doing this but even though i'm younger then all lads, we all have a big amount of protection over Niall and we might baby him a bit but anyway as soon as i started rubbing his back he woke up and cuddled me while he tried fully waking up

"Morning Ni, how did you sleep?" I asked

"Okay, had a bad dream though" Niall confessed

"Aww love why didn't you wake of us up" I frowned but before Niall could answer we heard screaming followed by a lot of cursing words meaning Liam woke Zayn up then a dry looking Louis came in

"Morning lads ready for horse ridding" Louis asked and we both nodded before me and Louis helped Niall get dressed

Once we was all ready we headed off to the stables, as soon as we arrived we all was divided off into pairs.

Zayn and Louis was put together and me, Niall and Liam was put together as there was an odd one out.

we all had our own horse

Niall's was a white/brown Irish Draught Horse

Liam's was a brown barb

mine was a white American paint horse

Zayn's was a chocolate brown belgain

and Louis's was a white Highland pony

once we was all sorted we was free to go any where on the stable grounds

"Hey Ni, do you want to have a race with me yea?" I asked

"Yea please" Niall asked so we had Liam come and start us off

"On your marks, get set, go" Liam shouted as we started our race everything going smoothly .

Niall was losing where as i was winning that was until a bag blown inbetween me and Niall as we stopped for a bit that's when both of our horses went mental and kicked us both off their backs, I landed on my arm funny hearing it snap where as Niall landed on his leg badly.

i instantly pull out my phone before calling Liam

L: yello

H: Hi Li can you come to near the jump course kick please

L: sure why

H: me and Niall was both kicked off our horses, i hurt my arm and i thing it's broke and Niall hurt his leg and is crying a lot

L: Okay we're on our way H

with that i hung up and went over to Niall trying to calm him down, soon the others and the paramedics arrived quickly picking Niall up and telling me to get in aswell and tell the others to follow us behind before driving us to hospital


as soon as we arrived Niall was taken into one room while i went to the other room and the lads in the waiting room

"right mr styles what happened" the doctor asked

"I was kicked off a Horse and landed on my wrist"

"okay i would like to get you to have a x-ray so follow me"


once i was back in my room the doctor came in with my resaults

"Okay so you have a broken wrist and will need a cast but other than that your all good so we will do the cast now and your free to go" The doctor said

After getting a cast on, I went out to the waiting room to see the lads and Niall with a cast on his leg and crutches all there before going up to them hugging them all

No ones pov

Niall and Harry was taken care off for six weeks and didn't even have to lift a finger as the others did everything for them

Hey hope ur all okay sorry if this seems bad I was in meeting at school when I did this anyway ily all xx

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