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Requested by Zzialllggles


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Niall's pov

"Niall James Horan" Zayn shouted as he walked into our house which we shared with the others

"Jesus Zee, I'm right here, don't need to shout" I told him making him shake his head

"I saw you with Ashton" Zayn told me with a blank face

"Yea we just went and watched a movie" I told him

"Oh really then why does it say every where that you kissed Ashton" Zayn asked as he threw a Magazine at me that had me and Ashton on the front 'kissing'

"It's all a lie Zee I promise" I cried out just as the others (part from Louis) come Into the room

"What's going on here" Liam asked

"Niall here is cheating on me with Ashton" Zayn spoke as he snatched the magazine off me and shown Liam

"Is this true Niall" Liam asked

"No It's not I promise" I told him as tears just ran down my face"

"That's rubbish Niall, It's everywhere and plus I seen you with him" Zayn shouted as he kept coming closer to me

"Don't you love me no more Niall" Zayn spat as he lifted his hand up but I backed away as the front door opened and Louis walked in with bags in his hands

"Guys can you help me" Louis shouted from the kitchen just as the lads walked into where Louis was, I ran outside, climbing into my car before driving off with tears still streaming down my face

'Were am I going to go, What am I going to do, Why don't Zayn believe me' All these thoughts was running around my head as tears blurred my vision before I knew it I heard a car horn then everything went black...

Louis pov

"Hey Zayn, you ok, you look annoyed" I asked

"I am, Niall flipping cheated on me with Ashton so I asked him about and he denied it" Zayn told me making me get mad

"You idiot Niall was telling the truth, the picture was photo shopped" I told him as he looked down but before I could say anything my phone rang

L: Hello

S: Hello, Is this Louis Tomlinson

L: Yes it is who's speaking

S: I'm Maddie a nurse at St Thomas Hospital, You see your Niall was involved in a car crash and is now in a critical condition and we advise you to get down here

with that I hung up before running outside shouting at the lads to follow me


As soon as we arrived, I went straight to the desk

"Niall Horan" I said

"Take a seat, the doctor will tell you what's going on" The nurse told me as she called him

Not even five minutes later the doctor came out

"Afternoon boys, now Niall has suffered a broken arm, two broken legs, broken ribs, bruises and cuts but also there is one more thing Niall has fallen into a coma...
Hey guys hope ur all okay so anyway this was written two weeks ago but I forgot about it until today and also I'm now on my summer holidays for 7 weeks so I am able to update a lot more Yaya anyway next update is when I get 30 votes and 3 requests in the comments but at least 12 comments love you all xxx

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