I'm not faking,don't hate me/L.P

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641 Words

Zayn's point of view

I was woken up by my boyfriend shaking me.

"What's up baby" I sleepily asked

"I feel sick" Liam cried as I looked at the clock which read 5:30am

"Li, just because we have to go to work doesn't mean you can fake sick to get out of it" I sternly told him before getting up

"Where you going" Liam worriedly asked, why is he worried I thought

"To get dressed" I told him before walking into the bathroom

Skip bathroom routine

As soon as I walked out the bathroom, I noticed Liam was gone

'I bet he's gone to have breakfast' I thought as I grabbed my phone and jogged downstairs, where Liam was sat in the living room, watching the news

"Do you want anything to eat" I asked Liam

"No thank you" Liam responded before I walked into the kitchen

Liam's point of view

'He definitely hates me' I thought as Zayn went into the kitchen

'I knew I shouldn't have told him' I thought again just as I heard the doorbell go

"Liam can you get that, it should be the others" Zayn shouted as I stood up and walked to the door before opening it to see Niall,Harry and Louis stood there

"Come in guys, Zayn's in the kitchen having breakfast" I told them as I let them in

"Hey li, You ok, you look pale"Niall asked once the other two went into the kitchen

"I feel really sick" I admitted before I gagged and ran to the bathroom, Niall following behind me.

"Zayn get in here now" Niall shouted as I threw up everything I had eaten yesterday

"What's wr-" Zayn began until he seen me then he swapped places with Niall and rubbed my back until I was finished puking.

Once I was finished I slowly stood up and shakily brushed my teeth before Zayn lead me to the couch as Niall came in with the thermometer

"Come on, open up" Niall told me which I obeyed and let them take my temperature which was 42•c

"Ahhhh" I screamed as I felt a sharp pain in my side

"Are you ok Li, what's wrong" Zayn asked

"The right side of my tummy hurts" I whimpered

"Harry call an ambulance" Louis ordered Harry as he nodded before rushing out the room

"What,why" Zayn quickly questioned

"I think Liam has appendicitis" Louis admitted

Zayn's point of view

As soon as Louis told me that Liam may have appendicitis, I felt more guilty than before knowing that Liam would have to have an operation

"Zayn" Louis spoke, pulling me out of my thoughts

"Yea"I spoke

"Let's get going to the hospital" Louis told me before we ran outside to the car

Skip to once they arrive at hospital

As soon as we parked the car we ran into the hospital to see Niall talking to a Doctor

"Ni" Louis shouted as we ran to him

"Hi I'm Liam's doctor and I were just telling your friend here that we had to perform surgery to take Liam's appendix out but he's awake and ok now" The Doctor explained

"Can we see him" I asked

"Of course, follow me" The Doctor replied before leading us to Liam's room, where he was laying down on his phone

"Hey li, you ok" Harry asked as Liam nodded

"Guys, can I speak to Liam on my own please" I asked as they all nodded before leaving the room

"Look Li, I'm so sorry I blamed you for faking, do you forgive me?" I questioned

"So you don't hate me" Liam asked

"Never" I responded

"I forgive you" Liam told me before I hugged him

"I love you" I stated

"I love you too" Liam replied


Hey guys sorry if this seems rushed but yesterday I had a scare as I have suffered with leg pain since Thursday but yesterday it was really intense (that's how my cancer symptoms  started) and I also had a temperature and my dad nearly took me hospital but because I have it Wednesday I have to wait but I'm still in pain anyway tomorrow (Sunday) I'm 7 months cancer free 😮😮 btw poor Nialler is ill bless him hope he feels better soon

There will be another update that won't be rushed sometime this week much love guys hope ur all ok love you all xx

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