Niall hurt leg

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Hey guys sorry ant been on just been busy anyway on with the story


All the lads part from Niall was out shopping. Niall was sat around until he decide to go for walk so he left the lads a note saying he was going for a walk and would only be half hour, as Niall turned a corner he received a text off Harry saying they where 5 minutes away,while Niall was looking at the text he didn't notice someone put there foot out but the problem was there was a rock and glass in front of him so when he fell his knee hit the rock and glass and he screamed in pain for a good half hour until he calmed down a bit then he grabbed his phone and called Louis

L: n:

L: ni where are you mate

N:Help Lou

L:where are you

N:sunny valley

L:ok we are on are way

N:please hu

Niall was going to say hurry but he passed out.

'back at the house'

"Guys quick we have to get Niall from round the corner" Louis screamed before he ran out the door with the others to Niall. Once they reached Niall Louis bent down and whispered in niall's ear " ni can you please open you're eyes" it took about 5 minutes until Niall opened his eyes and screamed which scared the others.

"Ni mate what's wrong" Harry gently asked,

"M-my knee" Niall painfully said which caused the lads to look at each other then niall's leg where they saw a lot of blood on the floor so Harry called for an ambulance and Paul while Louis,liam and Zayn very gently turned Niall over to see blood,glass and bones so Louis took his coat off and put it over Niall's leg while Liam and Zayn calmed Niall down. Once the ambulance came they quickly got Niall in it and Liam jumped in two with them while the others followed in another car, Once they arrived Niall was rushed into surgery while the others waited,

"I wonder who did this to Ni" Louis spoke up

"I don't know but once we find them they will be sorry" Paul firmly said then the doctor came out

"Mr Horan" the doctor shouted and all the boys stood up.

"Right Mr Horan was very lucky, he lost a lot of blood do we had to put him on fluids and a blood transfusion that was after we operated on his knee and took all the glass out then put pins in to help his knee go back into place because he broke it so it's in a cast, he has to wear the cast for 2 months and has to rest it for a month but he is ok,he is awake if ya wanna come with me to see him but be careful he will be scared " with that they all went to niall's room once they got there all the boys went and sat by Niall

"Hey Ni you ok" Liam asked

"Yeah just my leg hurts and I feel sick"

"Yeah the doctor said you will feel sick" Harry said, Niall had to stay in for a week but was aloud out after that and all the lads looked after him.

Hey hope u all liked it ik it's rubbish but there u go sorry I kept u waiting please vote,comment and and send in request xx

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