he has tonsilites (niall)

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Liam was in the bedroom reading when he heard someone moan and he knew it wasn't Louis,Harry it Zayn because they where in the living room and niall had gone to sleep early but the thing is he has had a sore throat for three days and none of the bouts known he just said he was going bed early because he was tired which he was. Liam dicided to wait until he heard the moan again which didn't take long cause two minutes after he heard a moan again so he got off his bunk went to niall bunk opened his curtain and then get was face to face with a very pale,sweaty,pain and a bit purple but mostly red face off nialls even though he was still asleep then he groand again so Liam shook him slowly to wake him up

"Ni mate wake up"

"hmm "

"u alright"

"hmm" with that he went back to sleep so Liam pulled the curtain closed again then went into the others

"Hey Li I thought u where reading or going to sleep"

"No I ant tired now and no I can't concentration "


"because u know how Niall has sounded like he has had a bad throat  in the concert well while I was reading I heard him groan three times so I got up and opened his curtain so I was face to face with him and he really dosent look good like his face was pale,sweaty, pain and a bit purple but mostly red so I woke him up and asked if he was OK all I got was a hmm of him then he went back to sleep "

"well we have to wait untill tomorrow and see if he tells us what is up"

"yeah how about we go bed" and with That they all went bed.

At five in the morning niall was up and in the bathroom getting his inhaler and medicine and after he took it he set it on the table in the living room and went back to sleep on the couch. 

Louis was always the first one up to take a shower and then get the drinks ready which he did then he noticed niall on the couch and medicine and his inhaler on the table so he shouted to Liam


"yeah mate"

"get in hear now"

"alright I am coming " with that he came out Into the living room and seen niall medicine and inhaler so he went uptown niall and put a hand on him which he was freezing and his face had turned blue and that was when the two lads noticed nialls tonsils sticking out but they tried to wake niall up but he wouldn't and he wasn't breathing so the two lads called in the others

"Harry,Zayn get in here now"

"what do u want Lou" Harry asked as he entered the room

"can u call the paramedics and Louis can u call Paul and tell him what is going on please"

"sure li shall I get Zayn up for u"

"yeah please Lou" and with that everyone disappeared but Zayn came running in to the living room area to see a nearly dead Niall and Liam trying his best to get Niall to breath.

"vas happien in here li where are the ot- what is up with ni"

"Z can u please go and ask ha- what did they say hazza"

"they will be here in 5 minutes and by the way Louis is going crazy on the phone to Paul cause he is saying where are u and when Lou tries to tell him he just says hurry up"

"right hazza u get Lou to bring the phone to me please cause we can't leave okay"

"yes sir" Harry then went and came back with Louis on the phone,so Liam takes it from him
l:Paul it is Liam you need to get to the bus or the hospital as we are waiting for a ambulance to take niall to the hospital as he ant breathing so please just meet us at the hospital bye

and with that Liam hanged up and gave Lou the phone then the paramedics came in and took niall into the ambulance with the guys as they had no driver,as soon as they got there they rushed niall into the operating thearter and all the boys sat down for a bit,

"so what do you think happened to him then guys"

"don't know z anything can happened but he might dicided it wasn't bad so he probably didn't say anything for"

"yeah or it might have just happened stuff like this can happen u know"

"yeah we will have to see what the doctor says now where is Paul he his suppose to be here as a bodyguard and I can't see him at all can u boys"

"yeah there he is li by the door of the operation thearter waving at us"

"well let's go then" and with that they all ran towards Paul

"so guys niall is out of thearter and he is OK he has a oxygen mask on him and a cannula and he Also has a bandage around his neck since he had his tonsils took out and as long as he is OK he can come out tomorrow"

"what about concert tonight through Paul"

"well Lou u guys will go now and do it as niall is asleep then when u come back and get some rest then wake up he should be all right to go"

"so we have to go now"

"yeah u have the concert which is only 2 hours and plus doctor said niall probably won't wake up properly until the morning anyway so don't worry he will understand promise now go" and with that they all were took to the car Paul had organized for them with there bodyguards to go to the concert with them. once the boys had got back after there concert and about 4 hours nap they where ready to see Niall again so they walked into the room where niall was room see only Paul there

"Morning Paul" they all screamed down his ear

"Gosh boys don't did that,good morning to u guys too and how are u"

"Haha Paul did we hurt ur ear OH DEAR we are food Thanks"Louis mischiefly said as he shouted down Paul's ear

"LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON THAT HURTS YA KNOW now li can u go get niall from out the bathroom please" Paul said Happily and with that Liam went into the bathroom why zayn got him nialls clothes and Harry and Louis was teasing Paul for fun.once they had a very cuddly, clinging,hurting and tired niall they all got up got his medicine and went back to the tour bus where niall was nothing but a sore,tired koala bear for the rest of the month during concerts and all that to so they just kept him as a koala bear until he was better which was two months after

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