he is in hospital

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All the boys where sitting at the dinner table eating dinner well part from niall who was upstairs in his room why the others was down eating and talking about tour.

"so boys what shall we do once we get there"Louis asked looking around the room for niall

"wait boys why isn't niall down he loves food"Louis asked as he got up from his seat

"don't know Lou I called him down. but didn't get a answer from him" Liam said as he got out of his chair too

"I haven't seen him all day"Zayn said as he stood up from his seat.

"he was lying in bed asleep eailer but I haven't seen him come out all day"Harry spoke as he stood up from his chair,they all went upstairs into Nialls room and seen him lying on his stomach with his head in his pillow and he had his quilt over him. The boys went over to his bed and sat down on it but Niall didn't even move

"Niall mate you awake" Harry asked as he looked at him

"mmm"Niall hummed into his pillow which made Harry look at Liam and frown

"what's up Nialler"Liam asked as he looked at Niall

"mm fine"Niall hummed into his pillow again which worried Liam because normally Niall would face him to speak to him and not hide his face

"No your not Ni or else you wouldn't get your words wrong"Liam sternly spoke

"mm I'm fine mm Liam" Niall mummbled

"No your not Niall or you would be looking at me" Liam sternly said again

"mm" Niall hummed which made the boys look at him

"Ni can you turn onto your back for me please" Liam asked

"mmm"Niall hummed

"Ni mate please turn around for us mate"Zayn pleaded as he rubbed Niall's back

"mmm"Niall hummed once again

"Right Zayn turn himself around now please"Liam politely asked so that is what Zayn done he grabbed Niall and turned him over, once they turned him around they was met with a very ghostly pale Niall who had bags under his eyes and a sweaty forehead.

"Oh Nialler you ok" Harry asked as he looked over the boy

"n-no"Niall cried as he laid his head on zayns lap who immediately put his hand on Nialls forehead

"Liam Niall is burning up should we check his temperature"

"let me feel first but Lou you go and get the thermometer please mate"Liam asked as he approach niall why Louis ran out

"right let's feel that forehead mate"Laim said as he bent down in front off Niall and put his hand on Nialls sweaty forehead then he took it off

"Lou mate u found that thermometer yet" Liam asked

"yeah just coming mate" Louis said as he ran into the room and gave it him.Once Louis gave him it he put it in nialls mouth and waited until he heard the "beep beep" and then he took it out of Nialls mouth and gasped as he looked at it it read 42.3c on it and he knew that was very dangerous so he gave it Lou to look at why he got the covers of niall to see him shaking like mental through he had a jumper on Liam was now worried and concerd

"come on guys we need to take him hospital"Liam said as he grabbed some clothes for Niall

"right zayn pick him up and take him room the car" Liam quickly spoke as he rushed out with zayn beside him why Harry and Louis was already in the car as soon as they where in they were off to the hospital

"Right Ni what hurts"Liam concernly asked

"everywhere"Niall whimperd

"where dose it mostly hurt"Liam worriedly said

"stomach and head"Niall quickly said

"where about in ur stomach mate"Liam wearly asked

"My right side"Niall cried in pain as he felt someone press on it

"Ni mate you may need ur appendix out"Liam sighed Niall groaned as he felt something come up his throat and out his mouth but it wasn't sick it was blood that kept coming out

"Niall Oh my Gosh Harry hurry li he is puking blood"zayn screamed as he move and sat niall up but niall felt light headed and his eyes rolled out of concouisnes bit the last thing he heard was

"niall stay with us please"zayn pleaded and that was all he said the whole drive to the hospital.Once they got there they all jumped out and ran into the hospital

"can we get some help our friend as been throwing up blood,has a dangerous fever and he is unconscious"Harry yelled then doctors rush and put him on a bed and asked where he said his pain was then they took him to the operation theater and the boys was told to wait they texted Paul and told him everything then Paul came and joined them.hour later they where still waiting.10 minutes later a doctor came out

"Mr horan"and all the boys jumped out there seat

"yeah"they all say

"right Mr horan had his appendix out and his now awake in his room asking for u guys even though he has a oxygen mask on and is tired just to let u know he still has a fever but it has gone down and he has to stay for 2 nights then he can go home u may go and see him room 212"the doctor said then they went upto his room and hugged him

"I'm so glad ur OK now ni" Liam said and the others agreed and they spent the 2 nights cuddles up once he got home he was told to rest so the boys helped him and he was better two weeks after that.

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