Why don't my Appendix like me/ H.S

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Requested by Harryliampayne I can do u another one if u don't like it or if it's too short


Hey guys I've had to make some changes to this so I hope everyone is happy that I've changed the fever part


My birthday is this month and Niall's


487 words





Saturday: update

And Sunday: update


Wednesday and Saturday: update
Follow me on Twitter @hipsterliam00

You and The Lads were currently sat on the couch in the bus, Liam and Niall all cuddled up and you, Louis and Harry cuddled up too watching Through the keyhole.

"Y/N babe" Harry gently spoke as you looked down at him

"Yes sweetheart" you responded

"I feel sick" Harry whimpered

"Are you going to be sick" You asked as Harry shrugged

"Li can you go and get me a bucket, Louis can you go and get me medicine and some water and Niall could you get me the thermometer and some blankets please" You ordered them as you helped Harry sit up

"Here Y/N" Liam spoke as he gave you the bucket, just as Niall and Liam came in

"Here you go" Niall and Louis said as they placed everything on the table

"Right Haz, take these" you told him as he did as he was told

"Alright open wide" you told him again as he opened his mouth

After two agonising minutes of waiting you finally heard it beep so you took it out and read it out Loud

"41c (106)"

"We need to take him hospital" Liam told everyone as Harry grabbed the bucket and threw up for a good 5 minutes before he burst out crying

"My side, it hurts" Harry screamed

"Alright H, calm down, Liam help me carry him, Lou and Ni go and tell the driver to stop at the nearest hospital" you ordered as you and Liam grabbed Harry ready

As soon as the bus stopped and Louis and Niall came back out and told us we was right outside the hospital, we ran straight into the building

"Can someone help us here, my boyfriend has a really high temperature, been sick and is complaining that his side hurts" you shouted as a Doctor came running up to you with a trolley

"Put him on here, then go and wait in the waiting room" The Doctor ordered as you placed Harry on the trolley before you and the others went over and sat near the wall in the waiting room

An hour later and you were still waiting

"Mr styles" you heard the doctor shout as you and the others stood up

"Is Harry ok" you asked

"He's had his appendix out but he's ok" The Doctor told you and the others

"Can we see him" Louis asked as the Doctor nodded and lead them to Harry's room, telling them that he would be out of it for the rest of the night and he would stay the night.

As soon as they reached Harry's room, they went straight in to see lil Harry asleep peacefully

Harry was sore the next day but you did a great job at looking after him.


Hey guys hope ur all okay love you all

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