Our own mistake

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Hey guys so I just wanted to say thank you so much all for commenting, It means a lot to me and I know my writing might not make sense but I'm working on that and all that anyway this was requested by cChelseai-horan so thanks love, in the next request I'm going to try and do PoV anyway I have a new book coming out in Summer time but I already put a sneak peek out so go check out Niam:unexpected anyway I have 2 questions for u so please answer them
1:what can I do to improve my writing and 2: what would u like me do when I hit 100k it could be anything anyway on to the promt


Everyone knew Niall was allergic to eggs after he had ended up in hospital because he had eaten pancakes which of course had egg in it, so since then Harry made a list of things that don't have eggs in it.

It was a Saturday night and the lads was at a 5 star restraint in London as a celebration for Niall as he played a golf match with Rory Mcllray.

They had not long ordered their food and was waiting for it to come.

Harry and Louis had ordered steak and chips, Liam had gammon and chips, Zayn had salad and Niall had spaghetti and meatballs.

While they was waiting for their food, they all chatted to Niall about his match.

"So babe, did you love playing with Rory?" Harry asked

"Of course I did Haz" Niall replied

"What was your favourite part?" Louis asked

"Meeting him" Niall happily said

"What's the most embarrassing part?" Harry asked

"Shooting my golf ball straight in the lake" Niall replied turning a bit pink in the cheeks

"Would you do it again" Zayn asked

"Of course I would Ze" Niall happily sung

"Better than the Rugby game, football match (check my one direction bromance one shots for them two) and that the Charity match you did" Liam spoke and before Niall could say anything back, the waiter came out wi9th all their orders, which they happily dug into, once the waiter left of course

Once they finished dinner they paid then left to get home and spend the night together on the couch.

But in the car all they could hear is Niall complaining that his stomach aches and his sneezes and sniffling and to say the lads was irritated was just one word they were aggravated but also hurt because they thought their little blonde didn't want to cuddle and spend the night with them but that wasn't true.

"Niall stop faking, you can go straight to bed when we get in, if that's what you want just stop the faking and complaining please" Louis said as he putted inn his earphone and blocked out the world plus Niall's whining.

When they arrived home Niall just ran straight upstairs into the spare room crying and sneezing while the others just snuggled on the sofa watching celebrity juice and talking about what was going on tomorrow part from Zayn he was worried about their little snowflake even though it did annoy him in the car but he swore he knew something like this happened before but he just couldn't put his finger around it.

He was brought out his train of thoughts by Louis who had been saying the lad's name for three minutes,

"Uhh" Zayn said clearly lost in the convocation

"What's up Hun" Louis asked

"What did Niall have to eat" Zayn questioned

"Umm, spaghetti and meatballs" Harry responded

"Wait don't meatballs have egg in it" Louis questioned

"That's it... wait Niall was having an allergic reaction and we thought he was faking, god we are such bad boyfriends" Zayn replied as he stands up and starts walking off

"Where you going Hun" Louis asked

"To see our little blonde penguin" Zayn simply said before heading up the stairs, the others quickly following him

When they reached their room they couldn't find Niall so they went into the spare room and seen their sunshine in a light sleep so they climbed in bed with him and hugged him whispering apologies which they didn't expect Niall to reply too

"s'okay guys, I already forgave you" Niall sleepily mumbled before falling dead asleep feeling safe and happy in his boyfriends arms them following not long after with a smile on their face because the truly did have an angel as a boyfriend.

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