Dizzy all it makes us

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Niall was one of these people that when they were sick they wouldn't tell no one and it was worse for Niall as he had a weak immune system meaning he was able to catch anything and everything.

Of course no one but Niall and his family knew.

Niall had been up all Night with a really bad headache but he decided not to wake everyone up so he went into the back room on the tour bus and lied there trying to get asleep.

Niall's pov

I knew I should really tell someone about my head but I really didn't want to make a fuss so I just kept quiet about it.

It was now 8'o clock in the morning meaning I spent since 1'o clock this morning awake because we all didn't go bed until 1 after calming down from our craziness that we always had after a concert.

I never Normally get headaches but when I do if I don't catch them on time or even take medicine then they turn into migraines

"Hey Ni your up early" Liam cheerfully spoke

"Hey Li, yea couldn't sleep that much" I lied

"Oh, are you ok" Liam asked

"Uh oh yea, I was just to hyper to sleep a lot" I lied even though I hate lying Because it can get you into trouble a lot

"Ok Ni, don't forget we have a photo shoot in a bit" Liam confirmed

"Ok, what time though" I wondered

"Well the time is 8:12 so at 10, it won't be long anyway come help me wake the others up" Liam ordered being daddy d like always but ya have to love him (as a bro for me)

As I stood up I felt very nauseous and dizzy but I didn't say anything I just kept walking into the bunk room.

"Haz we have to get up come on" I mumbled shaking him gently because I know if I shake him hard I'll get hit in the stomach and I really don't want that.

"Mm morning Nialler, you alright" Harry asked scaring me

"Yes thank you, what about you" I asked

"I'm good thanks mate" Harry happily said before getting up and walking to the bathroom.

"Lou wake up" I asked since Louis was a light sleeper

"Morning Ni" Louis happily screamed masking my headache even worse, I knew one more loud sound would make my headache turn into a migraine.

"Morning Lou" I gently said before going to Zayn and lying down next to him

"Morning Ze" I whispered to him, which woke him up

"Morning Ni, sleep well" Zayn asked

What do I say?
Shall I lie to him?
Would he find out by Liam that I didn't sleep good?

I was pulled out of my thoughts by someone screaming my name well there goes my headache which now turned into a migraine

"What" I asked

"Let's go now vans here already and Paul texted saying our photo shoot was moved to 9'0 clock" Liam ordered a bit to loud making me whimper

"You okay Nialler" I totally forgot I was still lying by Zayn in his bunk

"Yea why" I whispered

"Your sweating a lot mate and shivering it's nothing" I replied getting up but I regretted it as I was still nauseous and dizzy and I lost balance making me fall on the ground closing my eyes and whimpering but still conscious

"Omg Niall, are you okay, no of course you're not let's get you to the hospital" Liam rushed out, I didn't say anything as my head was hurting to much.

I felt someone pick me up and carry me to the door in the tour bus waiting until it stopped and then someone ran out and took me into what I think is the hospital

"Can we get a doctor here please, our friend nearly passed out and we don't know what's up with him"

Aw I see I'm in hospital, someone took me from whoever's arms into a seat and wheeled me off.

No one's pov

Once Niall was wheeled off, the others went and sat in the waiting room on their phones looking at Twitter

"Shall we tweet about Niall" Harry asked as Liam jumps up and walks to the end of the room calling someone which they think sass Paul

"Yea, just put something like hey guys, we may have to cancel our concert tomorrow as Nialler is in hospital something like that" Louis explained before everyone went to tweet what Louis just said to them.

Soon #getwellsonNiall was trending on Twitter

After an agonising hour of waiting a doctor came out

"Niall Horan" all the lads stood up

"Right Mr Horan had an migraine and also vertigo" the doctor said

"What's vertigo" Harry asked

" Vertigo is a symptom, rather than a condition itself. It's the sensation that you, or the environment around you, is moving or spinning.
This feeling may be barely noticeable, or it may be so severe that you find it difficult to keep your balance and do everyday tasks.
Attacks of vertigo can develop suddenly and last for a few seconds, or they may last much longer. If you have severe vertigo, your symptoms may be constant and last for several days, making normal life very difficult.
Other symptoms associated with vertigo may include:
loss of balance - which can make it difficult to stand or walk
feeling sick or being sick and
dizziness" the doctor explained

"What causes it then" Louis asked

"Vertigo is commonly caused by a problem with the way balance works in the inner ear, although it can also be caused by problems in certain parts of the brain.
Causes of vertigo may include:
benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) - where certain head movements trigger vertigo
migraines - severe headaches
labyrinthitis - an inner ear infection
vestibular neuronitis - inflammation of the vestibular nerve, which runs into the inner ear and sends messages to the brain that help to control balance
Depending on the condition causing vertigo, you may experience additional symptoms, such as a high temperature, ringing in your ears (tinnitus) and hearing loss." The doctor explained again

"How is it treated then" Zayn asked

"Some cases of vertigo improve over time, without treatment. However, some people have repeated episodes for many months, or even years, such as those with Ménière's disease.
There are specific treatments for some causes of vertigo. A series of simple head movements (known as the Epley manoeuvre) is used to treat BPPV.
Medicines, such as prochlorperazine and some antihistamines, can help in the early stages or most cases of vertigo.
Many people with vertigo also benefit from vestibular rehabilitation training (VRT), which is a series of exercises for people with dizziness and balance problems." The doctor explained once again

"Do you think Niall would recover" Liam asked

"I think Niall will be just fine just make sure you keep an eye on him and if it happens more then two times again come back ok?" The doctor told the lads before leading them into Niall's room.

Niall was kept in over night but he was allowed out the next day but was on strict bed rest which the others made him stay too.
Hey guys hope ur all okay, sorry didn't update yesterday but I hope this 1,211 words makes up for it haha this was requested by LLiam'sraic so thanks so much love for the request now I do have a schedule sorted now so I'm going to let you guys work it out love u all

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Clarice crothers

Love u all xx

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