Stomach Bugs=Misery

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All the boys was getting ready for the show when Louis felt his belly turn he knew he should have told Liam this morning but he didn't want the fuss so he kept it to him self but he was regretting it now cause his stomach ache was really hurting him and he had a pounding head

"Come on Louis, we have to go on stage now"

"Alright Liam I'm coming" with that they ran out on stage.

As the show went on Louis felt worse and he kept feeling nausea and felt very light headed

"Lou you ok mate" Liam whispered

"no i feel very sick Li"

"do you feel like ur going to be sick"


"alright lets get u to the toilet" and with that they ran off stage and straight to the toilet where louis was sick straight away all up the wall and in the toilet.10 minute later louis was leaning against the toilet seat with liam rubbing his back

"You ok to go to the bus lou"

"Yeah I think I'm done for now"

"Alright lets go" Liam and Louis stand up and walk to the bus

"right you go and lay on the sofa and I will bring some stuff in for you" Louis went and laid on the sofa and Liam came back with a cloth, rubbish bin, tablets and a blanket and gave them Louis then he phoned Paul

p:where are you two the show is nearly finished and u decide to run off

l:sorry Paul but Louis was going to be sick so I got him to the toilet and we are on the tour bus now

p:oh okk sorry is he ok

l:yeah he is alright now he is asleep on the sofa so can you tell the lads to be quiet when they come in


with that Liam hanged up and it wasn't long before the others came quietly in and helped Liam look after Louis but the others got it the next day but it didn't matter cause Louis was back to pranking

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