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requested by treelganroryflanagan go and check her books out there amazing like her also HanlovesNi acc was accidentally deleted so she had to start a whole new book and profile which is hHoranhannah so go check her books on that


590 words


5 year old Niall Horan was sat in the corner of the playroom, playing with his teddy bear, that his mum had brought him before she died from a brain tumour which of course made the dad fall into depression and killed himself, knowing he wouldn't cope with out the love of his life.

Which is why poor little Niall is in a care home, hoping someone will adopt him but there was Three small problems

1) Niall hasn't spoken since his parents deaths

2) He was smaller, fragile and under weight

and 3) He was dylexic and he could only answer with two words

"Niall come here a minute" The owner of the care home who names called Hannah told him as she crouched down while Niall stood up and walked to Hannah

"Hey sweetie, come and have a cuddle before we have breakfast and a bath ready for One direction to come" Hannah asked knowing Niall trusts her

Niall nodded holding up his arms as Hannah picked him up and cuddled him


After Niall's bath, Hannah had placed him on the couch in the living room with all the other kids which he didn't like and climbed off it and went straight to the corner while Hannah went and opened the door, letting the lads in

"Morning lads how are you all" Hannah asked

"Morning Hannah we're good how are you" Louis asked (they already spoke to Hannah before)

"I'm great thank you, now I know you want to adopt a boy but what age" Hannah asked

"About 5" Liam answered

"Alright come with me and I'll show you" Hannah told them as she lead them to the leaving room finding Niall in the corner silently crying

"Niall love what's up" Hannah asked as Niall pointed at a boy that looked a year older than him and more bigger

"Adam have you been picking on Niall again" Hannah asked receiving a nod from Adam

"Say sorry" Hannah ordered which Adam did before running off playing with the others

"Come here Niall" Hannah told him which he did straight away

"Aww who is this charming little boy then" Harry asked

"This is Niall and he is 5 years old" Hannah told them, shocking them

"How come he is so small and don't talk" Louis asked

"Well Niall hasn't spoken since his parents deaths, He's dylexic and he can only answer with two words plus when Niall was born he was smaller, fragile and under weight" Hannah explained before adding on

"Oh sorry I forgot I need to get the other boys"

"No it's alright I think we've already found our baby" Liam told her on about Niall

"What you on about" Hannah asked clueless

"We'll like to adopt Niall" Zayn spoke

"Of course, if you would like to follow me" Hannah told them as she lead them to her office but not before stopping and asking another member of staff to pack Niall clothes while Niall stayed on Hannah's lap, cuddling his teddy bear tightly

Once they all were done Hannah cuddled to Niall

"I love you Niall and I'll see you every day" Hannah told him

"Lub u" Niall whispered shocking Hannah

"Love you too Ni, now off you go see you tomorrow" Hannah told him as one the member of staff gave Liam Niall's stuff

Zayn picked Niall up carrying him to the car and sat him on his lap where they all went home, where they realised how broken little Niall was


Hey guys so I'm working on the requests now but u can still send them in and it can be how many u like anyway love u all loads xx

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