Left out =problems part 2

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requested by liamgirllx




Lou pov

"Lou is Niall in here" Paul asked me

"Yeah, in the toilet" I told him just as we heard a thud from the bathroom, making Paul run into the bathroom before shouting to call an ambulance. Which I did

"What's happened Paul" I asked as I put my phone away

"I don't know, he must have passed out, has he complained of any pain at all today" Paul asked

"Yeah, He said his lower back ( Lower regions) and side has been giving him discomfort and pain all day" I told him as he looked shocked

"Ok, can you go on stage to Harry and tell him they need to end the concert" Paul ordered me as I nodded and ran to the stage, before walking up the steps then ran to Harry

"Hey Lou,what's wrong" Harry asked

"Niall(breath) hospital(breath) end (breath) show" I Explained as I catched my breath

"What about Ni" Harry questioned

"Niall passed out in the toilets and we just called a ambulance, so Paul told me to tell you to cancel the show and get yourself backstage" I explained as the others came towards us

"Lads we have to end the show now, Paul wants us backstage as soon as possible" Harry told them

"What about Niall" Liam worriedly asked

"Niall is already there" I replied

"Can everyone be quiet please" Louis asked the crowed

"Right we're sorry to say this but we're going to have to cancel the show tonight but we will reschedule the show, something happened" Harry explained before running off stage to the dressing room where Paul was stood by the toilet

"Is he okay?" Harry asked as Paul shook his head

"Is who ok?, what's going on" Liam asked

"Niall was complaining of lower back pain (lower region) and side pain earlier but he said he has had it all day but didn't tell you guys because he thought you guys hated him as you have left him out and haven't spoken to him all week" I told them as the paramedics came rushing into the room with a stretcher and paramedics bag


"I wonder what's taking them so long" Louis worriedly spoke as he paced around the room

"Louis sit down before you make everyone dizzy" Harry explained as Louis looked at him before sitting down

"So how are you guys going to apologise" I asked

"Probably buy him Nandos and spending time with him all the time" Liam explained before a doctor came in

"Right we have done some tests and Niall has a kidney infection so we will just give him some antibiotics for 14 days and just so you know the side effects is sore tummy and diarrhoea" The Doctor told us

"Does he need to stay in" I asked

"Nope, he can go home whenever you like" The Doctor responded

"Can we go and see him" Harry asked

"Of course" The Doctor spoke before leading us to Niall's room where he was sat speaking to Paul

"Hey Ni, Having a good chat there" I laughed as I walked over and hugged Niall

"Hey Lou,can we go" Niall asked before the lads came in with two bags

"Look Niall, we're sorry we ignored you,we never meant to. We were just stressed, we're really sorry" Liam explained before handing me one bag which held Niall's medicine in as he placed a bag by Niall, which Niall opened and laughed before pulling out a teddy leprechaun before opening his arms to give us all a hung which we all did

"Can I go home now" Niall asked pouting

"Alright but Louis or Paul is carrying you out" I told him before we all stood up and Louis picked Niall up before we all went to Niall's house and babied him until he was better.


Hey guys hope ur all okay I'm sorry I didn't update Thursday it was my birthday and I had school then a family meal so it's been a busy week and I had jabs Wednesday which has made my arm all swollen and I'm coming down with a cold so yea anyway enough of me moaning hope ur all okay

Love you all


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