51: The person chosen to go with them.

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When the time came, the pair of them walked to where they knew Lan Zhan's brother and uncle would be strolling to discuss today's class.

'Lan XiChen.'

Both leader and Master Lan turned when they heard Wei Ying's happy voice raised. 'What is wrong?'

'I am very sorry for the interruption but we realised ...' he glanced sideways at Lan Zhan. 'We will need at least two people, who are utterly trustworthy, to come with us to the slaughter cave.'


'Well, I refuse to allow Lan Zhan to be injured like the last time and he is being a little difficult about me also.'

'You almost died.'

'It was a fever I had only because I had that brand scar when I went into the water.'

'The water is that filthy even a healthy person would get a fever.'

'None of the others got one.' He thought for a moment. 'Also, I am the only one I will allow to go inside the shell and touch the sword.

'.....I know but it does not mean I have to be happy about it.'

'I am thinking that it will not be as bad this time as I have already been through it before.'

'There is no guarantee about that.' Lan Zhan took his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

'I know, but you will be there for me.'

'Who should go with you?' Master Lan asked cutting in over the pair.

'They need to be from the GusuLan sect and utterly trustworthy. Someone who will not even mention what we are doing even to their partner or family. No one can find out what we are doing. The only communication will be through the message butterflies as only the four of us can use them.'

'Who taught you to use it?' XiChen asked.

'You did, only because you and Lan Zhan had a small disagreement and you wanted to keep in touch.'

'Disagreement?' Lan Zhan looked between Wei Ying and his brother.

'Yes ... you were ... upset that the sect was making me drink the medical soup every month. I talked you around after a few days.'

'Please, back to the people you need to go with you, GusuLan sect members and ...' Master Lan diverted the conversation back to the matter at hand.

'And they must be strong.'

As they all thought of who would be best to send Lan XiChen looked at Wei Ying. 'Do they need to be from here?'

'It might be best. The Cloud Recesses have the firmest rules about keeping certain things within the recesses and I have yet to meet one, other than Su She, who will speak of secrets.' He sighed. 'I might have suggested a certain person I am not allowed to mention at the moment.' And yes, he received a growl from beside him.


'He is talking about Jiang Cheng.'

'What would be wrong with him?' he looked between the pair. 'Did you not give us all the memories?'

'I kept some back ... and ....' Lan Zhan gripped Wei Ying's hip tightly.

'Lan Zhan, it's going to be fine. That was another life ...'

'No, if you just followed what you did the last time, you would have to give over your golden core and he would do all he could to kill you and anyone who even seemed to use Demonic Cultivation techniques. Even thought you had mastered them ... his blind hatred could have killed you time and again.'

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now